Ratman Wolftever Dogfight Aug 29th results.

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Well-known member
Jun 5, 2008
Charleston TN
<font size="4">We had a great turn out tonight with 16 boats. We paid 1st, 2nd and 3rd place.
<font size="4" face="book antiqua,palatino">First Place:..................Danny Daniels and Robert Simpson............3 Fish.....6.83 lbs.
Second Place:..............Jason Villers and Kathy Rawlston...............3 Fish.....5.47 lbs.
Third Place:.................Jared McMullen and Jack Brown.................2 fish......4.32 lbs.</font>

<font size="3" face="book antiqua,palatino" color="#000000">Fourth Place:...............Travis Rouse and Chris Horton...................2 fish......3.48 lbs
Fifth Place:..................Kirk Gardner and Kenny Eckstein...............1 Fish......2.05 lbs
Sixth Place:.................Mark Skelton and Tommy Bowlin...............1 Fish......1.78 lbs
</font><font color="#000000">
</font><font size="3" color="#000000">Big Fish...............Danny Daniels and Robert Simpson.......................................2.71 lbs</font>
WTG folks .. nice turnout.

I tried to make it, but wasn't able to get there to pay b4 6:30... about 5 mins late .... Thanks Ratman and PopeyedPete for running these tourneys. I really enjoyed the one's I was able to fish.

Lot's of fun emoToast

Thanks to everyone for supporting this tournament. We really enjoyed meeting each of you and hope to see you again in May 2009.

I am working on some sponsors for next year to hopefully get us a guaranteed first place payout. I would like to see this little tournament grow into something that each of us looks forward to each week.
TNDoe and JSV in second. Good to see your names up there you two!

Thanks for throwing those tournies on Kirk. We fished one and never defended our title..maybe next year I'll fish a few more. Good Job guys!