Ratman's $500 TX April 10th is postponed.

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Well-known member
Jun 5, 2008
Charleston TN
<font size="6">Due to strong storms and heavy winds the April 10th Ratman $500 Guaranteed Bass Tournament is being canceled and rescheduled for Friday April 17th from 6:45PM to 9:45PM. The $500 guaranteed first place will be in effect for the April 17th tournament.

I am sorry we had to postpone this tournament but safety is our top priority! I hope to see most of you next Friday.

<font size="4">On a side note:

If anyone wants to fish a friendly dogfight Saturday afternoon (April 11th) at Wolftever 5:pM to 8:pM you can sign up or just show up. Kenny and I will be there around 4:pM to sign up boats. If no one shows up we will just go fishing.

(THIS WILL NOT HAVE A $500 Guarantee)</font></p>

<font size="5">Wolftever Dogfight </font>

Thanks Kirk,I think that is best for all that's involved,will not be able to fish next Friday due to commitments already planned but will look forward to fishing as many as I can with ya'll this year,Good decision on ya'lls part, getting hurt or tearing up equip not worth it,Cya soon.I signed up for sat evening so will see ya there if enough sign up.Taylor emoThumbsup emoThumbsup
Glad I didn't have to make this decision emoGeezer Last time I mentioned to the bass club I used to participate in that we should postpone due to the forcasted weather... they offered me a pink flag to wave in case I got stranded in the waves emoDoh emoBang .... they said they would come rescue me if they see it waving emoGoofy ... from then on, I just shut up and fished emoAngler emoRain emoSun emoFish

That does look like some nasty stuff building up... but, watch... if we fish it... the storms will come... if we don't... it'll blow probably blow over... a no win situation for the tourney director. We gotta support their decision emoSmile
yep darned if you do and darned if you don't, but it does look like it's gonna get nasty. So what time are we blasting off LOL
Looks nasty but it also looks as if it may pass quickly.
Don't think we will be able to join the party next Friday but maybe it will snow and get postponed to the 24th emoSmile emoAngry
Hey Taz,just remember those people that were razzing you and taking chances are the reason I will never be out of a job, emoThumbsup hope to see a bunch on sat at 5pm for a good tx,and better weather emoSun
I've fished during some pretty nasty storms before... The lightning was so bad at one of the Family Tradition tx last year I was squatting down in the boat covering my ears cause I could feel the hair standing up on the back of my neck...NOT FUN!!! See ya next friday!
Wet Willie - 4/10/2009 3:33 AM

Ram Jack Scott - 4/10/2009 1:00 PM powder puff fishing at it's best :bobber8:

Hey Scott, go fish anyway...we'll look for your report on the news at 11. J/K I don't like lightning!!</p>

Don't put it past him! However I have caught some pretty good fish in weather which I should of never been out in. Those Smallies like to pull up tight in the bad weather for some reason and although dangerious it sure can be fun. There have been many times I had the hair raise on my arm. Times when your line stays suspended in the air as a rainbow and your rod tip singing. I can't say it's smart but it can be productive especially right up to the front hitting and immediately after but it's those several minuets during the storm in which you indeed know you have it bad.</p>
wudratherbfishin - 4/10/2009 4:51 AM storm's over as we figured lets go fish.

emoThumbsup Looks like 6:45 would of worked out just fine however good call GentlemenemoThumbsup </p>
It is just now getting real nasty down here in Dalton. I wouldnt want to pull the boat in this stuff right now, much less be on the water!

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