Ready for LA!

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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Well-known member
Jun 2, 2005
Some of the men at my church take an annual trip to Venice, LA for some offshore fishing. We don't lay the bucks down for tuna, at least not yet, but we do put a regular hurtin' on the red, snapper, and cobia, along with various and sundry fish that happen into our hooks. (We are not elitist)

Last year 14 of us put seven large coolers of fish into the truck for the ride home. That's fillets. We've done so well for so long, it wouldn't surprise me to come up with a poor year for a change, but all I can say is it hasn't happened to us yet! We have a good captain and a strong boat.

Last year, just to mix it up a bit, he took us to the mouth of the Mississippi River. The catch was truly mixed then, ranging from sailcat, channels, flounder, jack crevalle, redfish, and several others. Crazy cool stuff.

If someone's free from Thursday through Sunday and gets a wild hair, give me a holler. Surely we can put one more on the boat!

Stay tuned for pics when I get back. May be a while; heading to IL immediately after to try slinging pointy sticks at deer, then on to a family wedding. Guess which I'll enjoy more!;)
Ooooh, that sounds fun, but I am booked up dangit! Hey Kieth, how bout updating your user profile so we know more about you, and your general location? We all have inquiring minds!
I have a profile!? Amazing. I'll look after that, Spur, sure thing.

I did a full scale tally of costs including fishing two days, lodging two nights, pitching in on the van fuel costs, plus tips and fish cleaning. I'll double check but I believe we come out to just at $335. That is with no added icing for those who put the trip together (me.).

Just came back from lunch with a couple of the guys, turns out we lost a father/son duo to a bad flare up of rheumatoid arthritis and college tests.:( However, that does indeed confirm that we have space.

Truly, if anyone is interested, the more the merrier, up to a point, of course, but you're guaranteed a great time. Top notch group of guys. I'll see if I can post a few photos here from last year.

Email me! keithbud at

This was pre-Katrina; all that was left when the hammerhead took his share at the aft end of the boat:

Here's a shady looking crew, including two Louisianans I only knew from the TNDeer website prior to the trip:

Ah, the feeling of going out for the day, watching the sunrise... incredible!
Here are a couple interesting pix from last year. The captain is at a new dock now, the old one having disappeared under the weight of Katrina.

Mighty bull red attached to a mighty bullheaded redneck:

Part of the first day's catch:

Sometimes a fella just needs a place to rest a spell; this bird landed on the tongue of a boot out of the clear blue. Stayed a while, then moved on!
SWEET, I'll be heading down in two weeks also to the NO area to hit the Auburn/LSU game and a full day of redfishing!!!!!I can't wait. Make sure you post lots of pics! Good Luck
Wow Keith, your making me want to go. If I wasnt going to be gone for the next 2 weeks I would go. Hopefully next year I can hook up and go. Thats awesome!

its kind of short notice or I would try to go. Maybe I can tag along next year cause that is a fantastic deal for a trip like that.

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