REdistribution of my money?

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tyler ware

Well-known member
Aug 10, 2007
SO I was thinking about this idea of moving money back to spending people, or majority of the population. Not 100% sure about this, but it seems like if a program were wrote to immitate the capitalistic system, amd lets say you let it start with 10 million people say 1 doller each, all having equal amounts of money, to the penny. So total there is 10 million in the system. Now in this program let only about 5 percent make 20 %their money, let 50 percent make break even and let the rest equally lose what is left. Eventually there is going to be several rich people and a ton of broke people, then the rich are going to have to issue credit to allow the poor to continue to shop in their stores and buy their products. Then eventually the credit is going to run out, because these people are never really making it anywhere financially, just coasting along, and then we end up where we are today. Has this ever happened before in society, with any country, I am sure someone out there know the answer, i never was big into history until after I got out of school. So then eventually when their is 10 rich and 9999990 poor, the poor will take over the rich, redistrubute the wealth and start over again. Don't know if this is true, but from my crazy head this is the big picture I see, maybe my head see things that others don't, (high school!). All I do know is true, that when this crazy life is over, and this earth is rolled up like a window blind, that will be when I put my 100% trust into the one sitting in the big seat.
This all goes back to personal accountability, America has none. Bad decisions should have bad consequences. If I invest my money in something and it fails, and you invest your money in something that is a success, should you then be required to give me some of your money? There will always be people out there who don't feel like working and others that do, we can't penalize the workers and have them give to the nonworkers. We do enough of this already.

Here's the way the 2008 tax brackets already are, as you can see, people making more money pay a much higher percentage of their income in taxes.

2008 Tax Brackets
Tax Rate Single Married Filing Jointly
10% Not over $8,025 Not over $16,050
15% $8,025 - $32,550 $16,050 - $65,100
25% $32,550 - $78,850 $65,100 - $131,450
28% $78,850 - $164,550 $131,450 - $200,300
33% $164,550 - $357,700 $200,300 - $357,700
35% Over $357,700 Over $357,700
Everyone doesn't like government meddling in your affairs, trying to tell you wnat to do with your money so the big fix would be for anyone working for the government to quit their jobs and get one in the private sector, this will show big government who is who. If it wasn't for government there wouldn't be any jobs except importing more junk from china. Go to any store and try to find anything made in the USA. How much stuff do you have laying around your house is made in the USA, it would be hard to find anything so this means china ownes everything. Then you get to wondering what happened to my job? Where is the t shirt jobs that used to be so abundant in the USA? The smart bussiness men started to buy chinese t shirts from china for maybe 5 to 10 cents each but still sell them for $3.98 each in all stores, I wonder who is getting rich and who is losing their jobs? Think about it. It is all about greed, greed, greed. The t shirt companies are just one in the thousands that are gone. The american worker cannot compete with chineese labor so all your jobs are gone and you can't figure out where. Even mexican workers make too much to get anything made in mexico.
definetly do not think people should be punished for being successful, but I do think that its in the best interest of the business owners to make sure that the people who shop in their stores have money to shop.
fish4thepeck - 10/30/2008 5:01 PM Doc, if I quit my job all I would be able to do is fish!


Peck you do a good job at fishing now, you would probably be rich in no time by fishing for a living and then you could share in that wealth with me since I am on a fixed income, I would be a lot better off with more money coming in. emoLaugh </p>
I just cant believe we have came to a point as a nation where some if not most expect others to give us stuff rather than working for it. You will never really appreciate it or take care of it if its not really something you worked for and earned. And you cant truly earn anything just sittin there with your hand out!