Relay for Life - Fishing for a Cure

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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Well-known member
Jan 10, 2007
Cleveland, TN
CATCH and the Cleveland Bassmasters will host this benefit tournament on May 16 at HBSP. It will be run with CATCH Rules and they can be seen at Cleveland Bassmasters will handle the weigh-in. We will pre-register on Friday night May 15 at Hamilton's Sport Shop and Smokey Mountain Tackle. Odd numbers 1-199 will be at Hamilton's and even numbers 2-200 will be at Smokey Mountain. You can redraw for $5 per draw and all redraw $$ goes to Relay for Life. If you sign-up Saturday morning you don't draw a number, you are assigned at the end of the line on a first come first serve basis. This is a CATCH Tournament Trail event also for CATCH fishermen, but it is open to everyone.

Pre-register at both locations from 4:30pm-7:30pm
wave-off begins promptly and 6:30am (weather permitting) and weigh-in at 2pm (maybe flights depending on number of entries)
3 fish limit - could take a while to weigh-in, so we will call groups of folks to bring fish to scales
$50 per boat ($20 to prize fund - $20 to American Cancer Society - $10 Big Fish)
---small prize fund amount, but we're expecting 100+ boats
paying big fish all three species in equal amounts
launch single file
no locking through
Hotrod said if I want to eat breakfast from the CATCH folks I need to PM them to order it. Is this correct?
We will order bisquits based on the amount of people we have registered friday night and then we also will have some extras. We will also be having hotdogs when we get back to the ramp with chips and a drink. All $ goes to the American Cancer Society. Thank you guys for participating.
Im not fishing the CATCH tournament. Too many entry fees this weekend. I was planning to buy breakfast and make a donation. I'll eat about anything as long as it doesn't have cheese on it. See you guys at the ramp.
Look Forward to seeing you U-got_striped. Sausage bisquits set well along bout ten o clock. No cheese on the hot dogs either so your good to go. Getting excited bout this one. emoDance
Im excited about seeing a tournament that benifits something other than someone's back pocket. My step-mother won the fight against breast cancer and I know several people currently fighting cancer. Good cause for this tournament. Should have a good turn out.