remington 7mm won't eject after shot

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Apr 28, 2008
went and sighted in new scope on my 7mm bolt action rifle last week. i shot same ammo as did last year, winchester super x 150 gn. shot good, kicked like a mule, but when try to eject cartridge i have to prop it on table and have to pull on it very hard to get spent cartridge out. tried a few 150 gn fusion cartridges and it was not as hard, but was still alot harder than it should be.

guy at range said brass could be swelling in barrel. so i checked winchester brass and it showed some scratches around edges on the cap end. but on the fusion, no scratches.

any ideas on what could be causing it, or something i can do to stop this.
Sounds like an ammo issue. Some guns are sensitve to some ammo. Have you tried using a brass bore brush with some hoppes to really clean the chamber area. However thats wierd simply because a bolt action is going to be the strongest action. I have had issues with reloads loaded up to the redline do this because the loads were a little hot and it swelled the neck of the shell but never had this issue with factory ammo. I would give it a good cleaning then see what happens if not change brands of ammo.
inthebox30lbs - 9/12/2011 9:36 PM

Sounds like an ammo issue. Some guns are sensitve to some ammo. Have you tried using a brass bore brush with some hoppes to really clean the chamber area. However thats wierd simply because a bolt action is going to be the strongest action. I have had issues with reloads loaded up to the redline do this because the loads were a little hot and it swelled the neck of the shell but never had this issue with factory ammo. I would give it a good cleaning then see what happens if not change brands of ammo.

AGREE 100%
I agree. also may want to check to see if any surface rust is in the chamber, a good cleaning with hoppes and chamber brush should help. Take a look at your bolt locking lugs as well to insure they are smooth and free of burrs. Hope this helps.

Does it do it when ejecting a live round or is it only with fired rounds?
You better be careful they had a recall on them I had one and it blew the stock apart on mine ve
ry dangerous. Need to call them

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