Well first of all pictures of what you have would help me answer better, pics of the floor and the foam.
Did you remove the foam ? If the answer is YES, then you will need to get foam to replace what you removed, That is the flotation for the boat if it ever starts to sink .. it will keep it a float.
The wood , use 1/2 exterior grade plywood a/c or b/c ... You have two choices, you can use either polyester resin or epoxy resin.. polyester resin is widely available in Chattanooga, the epoxy resin you will have to order from the internet.
My suggestion for the polyester resin is Kick Shaw on Hixson pike, its $25 per gallon, you will need at least 2 gallons
While there get 1-2 lbs of chop its small pieces of chopped fiberglass. They also sell the 1.5oz mat , and they also sell fab mat pieces .. you will need enuff of that the go around the edge of the floor, 4 inches wide , and the 2 part foam you will need if you removed the foam from under the floor.
If you buy from auto parts stores etc .. it will run you 50-80 per gallon, and the stuff from auto parts stores etc .. is crapola.
You need to cut the floor to size, and then coat the back side with resin, get enuff 1.5 oz fiberglass mat to seal the back side. Use a 3inch " CHIP " brush to apply a liberal coat to the plywood, then lay the mat over that using the brush apply more resin and push the resin from center out to edges you want ZERO air bubbles. You can use a 1/4" nap paint roller to roll out the remaining bubbles.
You have 15 mins or less depending on how much you make at once .. I would recommend making batches of 8 oz time until the back side of floor is covered.
Let that cure over night it needs to be inside in 60 - 75 degrees to cure.
Then flip over , test fit again, if still fits good, mix up a 1/2 qt of resin and add enuff of the chop glass till mixing it well until like thin putty.
Take a putty knife and lay that down along the edges of the bottom of boat and where the new floor touches the edge of the boat, this will glue it down to the boat hull, make sure you use a grinder 40 grit flap disk to ruff up the old glass or the new wont stick.
AFter you quickly put that down, you have about 15 mins to get that down and the new floor in place.. Use Dry Concrete blocks, or anything heavy to hold floor down until the chopped glass glue is cured.
While that is curing you need to put some more of the chop glass putty mixture along the edges of the floor, cut you fab mat pieces into 4 inch wide pieces how ever many it take to go around entire floor.
And then mix some reg resin without the chop .. After that lay the fab mat pieces on a piece of old clean dry board, and wet both sides of the glass pieces until its no longer white.. again remember you have 15 mins to wet it and get it in the boat, and the bubbles out!!
After you have gone around the floor with the fab mat, let that cure over night leaving the weight on the new floor
The Next day .. remove the weights, clean the floor, removing dirt etc .. make more reisn up, wet the top side of the floor, and then lay layer of 1.5 mat and wet it out, then while that is still wet add an additional 1-2 layers.. no more than 3.. Make sure you overlap all pieces.
Then when that is cured ( Overnight ) your ready for carpet if you did it all right.
Now for the Epoxy version.. Pretty much the same, except that you dont use the 1.5oz mat, you use 6-10oz woven cloth instead of the mat.
No matter which one you use make sure you put resin on all edges, and any drain holes you cut, I would recommend putting Devcon 2ton epoxy on all drain holes and edges if you use the polyester resin
The Epoxy resin best price is USComposites.com and the glass mat and cloth as well
This is the short version, there is more I could tell or show you in person, and pics of what y0u have would help
Good Luck
If you decide its more than you can handle.. I do this kind of work every day at my shop ( North River Boat Restoration and repair ) 423-580-9277 on Hixson Pike in Hixson