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Bud hull
Rossville ga.
Been doing them for years,fresh and saltwater
As good or better than any that i've seen
Thanks guys. I will check them out. Do either one of them have a website or a page that have pics listed?
I plan on getting Lake Fork Taxidermy to do a replica of my 11-7 caught last Febuary. I was hoping to catch another double digit or closer and make the mount a double. I think I had it Saturday and the thing got off as I tried to lip it... I think it was close to 10.

Thanks for the info. I will try to go by Bud's if I can swing some time away from work. I will also check out Stan and Lake Fork.
Wow! That looks as lifelike as anything I have ever seen. Definitely will get in touch with them. Thanks
bodeanie - 1/11/2016 6:21 AM

Thanks for the info. I will try to go by Bud's if I can swing some time away from work. I will also check out Stan and Lake Fork.

Gonna get the 10 plus replicated for Caden........... emoGeezer emoUSA
Thinking hard about it. May be a long time before he tops that one. I know I probably will never see a fish that big, but he seems to have a knack for it. Hope to get my boat back next week, just after he has to go back to Tech.
bodeanie - 1/12/2016 5:53 AM

Thinking hard about it. May be a long time before he tops that one. I know I probably will never see a fish that big, but he seems to have a knack for it. Hope to get my boat back next week, just after he has to go back to Tech.

emoThumbsup Yep, know what you mean. Thought I would never top the 10lb mark. I currently have had 3 over 10, 1 @ Chickamauga, 1@ Guntersville & 1 from private lake in Olds Marr Florida...10 plus are quite available in the chick, saw 1 last week @ near 12 lb caught last week .......happy casting........ emoGeezer emoUSA