River/creek floating and wading around here?

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Well-known member
May 6, 2006
Johnson City, TN.
I have been wondering why I have not seen any post on here about anyone doing any good fishing the rivers/large creeks down in this area. I used to love to go out on hot summer days and wade or do a day float down one of the rivers back up in the Tri-City area. We fished North, middle, and south forks of the Holston river, Watauga, and Nolichucky rivers in TN. and the Clinch and New rivers up in Virginia. The Holston river systems where so much fun and gave you everything from creek type areas to some 100 yd across and 10+ feet deep spots. all of them had some real nice smallmouth and you could just about ware yourself out catching so many on a good day. We would take a small pond hopper type plastic boat or a jon boat with just a trolling motor on the back and spend the day on the river floating from one shoal to the next. Top water if the water was clear was so much fun, but you could do just as well on a small spinner bait, fluke, or a crawdad rattle-trap... man I miss that...!!!! I also miss going out to different spots and just wading out into the river and catching them.. it was a nice way to close out a hot work day by cooling off in the river and catching some nice small mouth. Do any of you do that here? Is so where do you go? I know there is that nice river down here somewhere (Ocoee I think is it's name) that has good white water rafting in it and that’s a little more then I want to deal with, but I would think you could find a lazy river that has some good fish in it too..
Every time I visit Hixon, I wonder...Is there some good smallmouth bass fishing up North Chickamauga Creek?

It's been tough to get an answer on here. I certainly don't want to steal anyone's honey holes, but let's just say that when I'm finally outfitted, I'll find them anyway.

Too many Japanese lures doing too much damage to populations of SMB on rivers and creeks.
before the kids came along almost all the fishing i did was trout fishing on the telico and hiwassee rivers and their
tribs. the hiwassee is a great river to float down although i wouldnt take a john down most of it.
the section from about spring creek down to the hwy 411 bridge is mostly calm with quite a few deeper holes and
very little bank access so the fishing is usually very good there and this time of year there are bound to be a few
good size stripe as well as some smallmouth and browns and bows too .
whatch the generation schedule though if they are running one or more its a nice float. if they aren't running any you will be draging you boat as much as you are floating in it.
I just made a post on fly fishing North chick creek a few days ago .. I caught 8 bass smallmouth and spots, all came from the creek, with the drought weve had this year the water is almost none existent, The water gets deeper down towards Boy scout road, down to the mouth of the creek at the damn. The state stocks the Thrasher Pike area with trout 2x in late winter.. they are far and few between and almost none make it past July if that long. I live a couple blocks from Thrasher Pike bridge .. I fish through there on occasion. Small mouth in the stream are hard to come by .. they are there.. just scattered.
You can go over to the Sequatchie and catch smallies , caney river , and most of the creeks/small rivers near falls creek falls.
Occoee , and Hiawassee both have good populations of smallies.

South Chickamauga Creek has some good fishing too .. some big catfish are in that creek for its size .. Ive never caught a cat less than 3lbs from South Chick, and have caught many smallmouth and largemouth up near the Georgia line on Fly rod.

I could always use a stream buddy for wade fishin.. as a matter of fact Im going down on the North Chick this eve.

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