Well-known member
Me and a buddy put in at the Riverpark at 0630hrs, shot straight across to the riprap and started working downstream. Started catching spots, but kept my hopes up for a good brown fish. Partner caught a little smallie about 1000hrs to remind us that there were brown fish among all the spots. About 1115hrs he sticks a pig, it jumps, good smallie. Get it in the boat and it tapes 17.5in. It looked funny, had a big humpback (see pics)?!?!? Few more spots (mean little things they are) later, I finally hook a 13.5in smallie. Shortly there after, Chris had another 17-18in smallie break him off at the boat. Caught a few more spots then called it a day about 1300hrs. Lost count on the number of spots, and landed 3 smallmouth. Oh yeah, had a Redeye or two thrown in there as well. Caught spots on T-rigged worms and Sweet Beavers, and fly-n-rinds. Smallies on T-rigged worms.
On a side note, I can't recall seeing spots colored this way. They had the tongue patch, but had the facial markings of a smallmouth. Meanmouth, or just a color I have not seen?
On a side note, I can't recall seeing spots colored this way. They had the tongue patch, but had the facial markings of a smallmouth. Meanmouth, or just a color I have not seen?