Riverpark Parking

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Mar 21, 2006
East Ridge
Does anyone know if they ticket or tow the people who park their vehicles in the "Trailer Parking Only" area at the riverpark? When I went Saturday afternoon their was no where to park because 2-3 cars were parked in the Trailer area.
No but I sure wish they would! The strange thing is I have been there and saw plenty of parking in the car only area that was available and wide open for use and STILL see cars parking in the "trailer" only section, which would be completely filled up.

While I am on the note, why on earth do a few folks that put in at Skull Island insist on parking their trailers right where you have to pull up to back down the ramp? Has anyone else noticed this? I could understand if the lot was full but just this weekend I saw a guy with a pontoon boat put in, and immediately park his trailer there, when there was at least 10 spots open in the lot! It's almost impossible to make the turn to back your trailer down with someone sitting there.
I have had that problem just about three weeks ago.  I had to park in the overflow lot at the far end of the park.  I had to walk about 3/4 mile while my boat and all my gear was at the mercy of the thieves.  I told myself that if someone had got my stuff, I was going to take it out on a truck and a car in the trailer only spaces.</p>

I assume the extra vehicles are d...a.. inconsiderate fishermen who meet the boat owner at the ramp.  A car or pickup can park in the adjacent lot and walk back fifty feet. I hope they read CFF and see this.  That is if they can read.  They could not read the signs posted at the lot. I had to walk from and then back to my truck.  What makes it worse is that when I returned the trailer lot was about empty and my truck was almost a mile's walk away.  Again as I said I had to leave all my gear exposed to the world while I fetched my truck.</p>

I may go to the ramp with my boat and call TVA officers every time I see a vehicle w/out trailer in the trailer only slots.  I can demand that they ticket them or tow them out so I can park in that spot.</p>

I am like that for the principal of it.  That is since I had to walk to and from on two different trips to that place.</p>

I read this thread and just had to vent... Thanks for allowing me to do so.  I feel better now..
Saturday at the Spot Tx, 2 cars were parked in a trailer area...YES, they got a sweet ticket and a note or two from anglers. People just dont read or use thier heads!
LL those are the same people who park in the handicap parking at the stores where everyone has to shop. They do this to keep from walking a few feet, this burns my a$$ everytime I see it, I wonder how they would like it if they were handicapped with no parking spaces.
The park rangers are county employees and they do put "Notes" on the windshields of cars parked in the trailer slots.  I don't know if a fine goes along with it.  I doubt it.
Doc1 - 10/22/2007 10:17 PM

LL those are the same people who park in the handicap parking at the stores where everyone has to shop. They do this to keep from walking a few feet, this burns my a$$ everytime I see it, I wonder how they would like it if they were handicapped with no parking spaces.

Doc I agree with your post and I don't want to hijack this thread but something comes to mind. Exactly how many handicapped people do we have in Hamilton County? I am I the only person in the world that wonders this? I can go to the mall, walmart, kmart, where ever, and see space upon space upon space for handicapped parking. Any time I am out, 50 to 75% of the space is not being used, even during the holidays. The other day I was up at Northgate and they had parking for expectant mothers! I am a big supporter of handicapped parking for people who NEED it, but is anyone aware of how easy it is to get a permit? Doctors hand them out like candy to people with any condition that is chronic and you can get them really easy if you have the right amount of cash. Sadly, many of the people that get them really NEED to walk! It burns me too to see people parking in those spaces who are obviously not handicapped and have no permit, but I get just as steamed when I see someone pull up in a $90,000 car, and bebop into the store with absolutely nothing wrong with them. It happens all the time. Plus permits (not tags) can be taken from car to car. If mom is really handicapped but the daugther wants to go shopping at Hamilton Place at Christmas all she has to do is move the permit to her car. Handicapped parking should be for people that are really in need, not just lazy people with money to buy a doctor and a permit.
I got lucky last week that a park guy drove me from overflow to my boat. I just do not want to leave my boat unattended that long.
I know what you are talking about, about leaving your boat unattended while you go to the overflow parking lot expecially when you fish by yourself. You are at the mercy of whoever is around.
I wonder why no one has ever thought of a valet type service at boat ramps to help you load/unload and park your vehicle. When I am by myself I would gladly tip someone a few dollars to help out.
Dropshot, you may be on to something about the valet parking, I guess a person who wanted to make a few xtra bucks could do pretty good on weekends especially in the summer months when the lots are full of fishermen.
Have any of you guys tried using the boat ramp on the other side of the River. The newer boat ramp at the champions tennis club or whatever that place is extremely nice. It might be out of the way for some of you guys but I live in Soddy so it is almost easier launching on that side of the river. I have had that same problem at the River Park that is why i started using that ramp.
I have no idea if they have made any recent repairs yet, but I used to launch at the Rivermont Champions club ramp all the time. On several occasions I have found it short dropping my trailer off the end at low water conditions. I have seen other boats do the same when TVA ends generation. They end up having to drive the trailer over to the RiverPark to come out of the water. I hope they get it fixed someday as its the closest ramp to my house.
at the river park sunday I saw two trailers parked on the grass.both had tickets I also two cars parked in trailer parking spaces and both of them had tickets. but as I pulled around the lot I saw that there was one space open so I pulled up in front of the ramp and started taking my straps off getting ready to put in and this fellow pulls around me and pulls his truck and trailer in the only space and would not move. he had a young boy with him who I guess was going to save the space for him ......good thing for both of us he had a kid with him.........what a RICHARD HEAD emoTskTsk

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