Riverpark ramp?

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Well-known member
Mar 2, 2007
As we all know, we have had rain about every week, and TVA has been releasing almost all winter. I seen the for cast for next week and it looks like another strong system is moving in with possible heavy rain on Wednesday. I didn't know what our protocol was if RP ramp is closed. I may not be, but I was asking just in case. What ramp would we use Sullivan's or the 1 across the river?
I think we look at it. If it looks bad Wednesday night, we look at swapping the riverpark ramp with one of those coming up.
As far as the bitching about the ramp, it is nothing short of expected from most of those complaining...It is the same ole crew...apparently half of them cannot read the sign-up and the other half think they are smarter than everyone else. If we are going to move it, I recommend we either a. swap with Chickamauga Dam (upper side), or swap it with Sullivans.
If we have to move I vote for Sullivan's. The Chick has been so slow for most people for several weeks and it really has been beat up. I keep hoping to see the flow projections drop below 80K cfs! I've seen the water higher that this many times before and the ramps weren't closed?
Steven called me and said that the RP ramp is still closed and blocked off. I think we have already had enough discussions on this but again my suggestion is move to Sullivan's. Patrick can you make the change and announcement on the sign up thread? We probably will need make another new thread saying so also.
Patrick, I think I have caused a problem! I see where two people signed up after I posted the ramp change this morning. Can we allow them to fish? The thread was frozen so I guess I must have thawed it out!? It's my fault!

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