Riverpark Tragedy 10/28/07

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Well-known member
Jul 20, 2007
I put in at the Riverpark today at about 1:30pm to test out a new prop, so me and my daughter rode down to McClellon Island and threw a buzz bait a couple of times. The wind was so bad we decided to ride up to Chattanooga Creek to get out of the wind. When we got there we saw the Chattanooga Fire and Rescue pull the gentleman out of the water and immediately start CPR. This unfortunate tragedy could have been avoided by a simple life jacket. I always make it a habit to ware a life jacket every time the big motor is running and if the weather conditions are rough, i.e. wind, big waves. I hope that we all can learn from this tragedy to practice safe boating and to respect the weather and water conditions. Our Prayers go out to the family in this time of sorrow.
I'm always sorry to hear about things like this. You just never know. Canoes can be a lot of fun but I have taken a tumble or two out of one over the years. My heart goes out to the family.
My prayers are with the family. May the peace of God fill their home as they begin this journey. Also, if any of you CFFers were a close friend of this gentleman, my prayers are with you as well.
After I bought my Stearns Inflatable PFD, I wear it 100% of the time.  I used to never wear one.  Unlike EricM, I have never fallen out of the boat.  But, I'm afraid it may only take one time.</p>

My prayers are for the family.</p>

Hey folks, let's wear PFD's. 
Prayers to the family. This tragedy affects all fishermen, hopefully there is a lot to be learned.
I agree, one should always wear a life jacket. I am not a small person and when I found the inflatable life jackets, I started wearing one all the time. I use a SOS brand, but I think there are many other good ones out there. I felt the comfort and use of the jacket out weighed the cost which was about $130.00

I do send prayers to the man's family as well. It is terrible to lose someone quickly.
Thank you Madbomber. With all the praise you have been receiving on the creel limit issue, I think you need to be a guest.
