Rockfish in the fog with Fat Albert-Tues. 11-14

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Mar 8, 2006
Well, it has been 33 years since Fat Albert had been in my boat and in all that time, he hasn't learned a thing. When we quit this AM he was still fishing in a fog. emoBigsmile Here's the report.

We (I) landed 7 rockfish this morning and had 3 more pull off after hooking up. Fat Albert hooked up 3 times this AM and had a terrific fight with a rockpile before breaking off.emoUpsmile emoUpsmile Actually, he thinks that the last one was a fish as it pulled off about 30 yards before breaking his line. I told him about trying to fish with sewing thread up here. He should know better than that.

I felt so sorry for him that I handed him the rod after I hooked up the last fish and it is the fish that he is holding up in the photo below. He did reel it in and did a great job of handling that fish.emoTongue

I will say one good thing about FA. He builds the best looking rods that I have ever seen. He was fishing with one today and said that it was about 20 years old and he had never caught a fish on it and wanted to see how it felt. I can believe him.emoBigsmile emoBigsmile I should have cast it out for him and hook a fish up and let him have it.

We couldn't hardly fish for MadBomber calling us every 10 minutes wanting a fishing report. FA spent a lot of his fishing time talking to him on the cell. MB is in Smoke City doing a seminar.

We (I) caught the fish on 3/4 oz shadhead jigs, powder painted "hot" pink, 6" fluke like plastic baits. The weights are as follows: 8.8, 9.9, 11.9, 12.9, 13.3, 14.4, 19.2. I didn't want to keep the 14.4 pounder, but he took the bait so deep that it got into his gills and he was bleeding badly. Released the 11.9 and 19.2 to grow. The 19 pounder was 32 1/2" long.

Some of you good fishermen please take FA fishing and try to show him how to catch fish. I'm gonna take him again if he promises to leave his cell phone at home.emoBigsmile emoGeezer


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:) You boys!!!! Really!!! Nice looking fish and nice smile producers. Fat Albert???? Are you wearing your PJ bottoms fishing???? hahahahaha

Wish it were me ... soon.

TennesseeTalker - 11/14/2006 1:43 PM

:) You boys!!!! Really!!! Nice looking fish and nice smile producers. Fat Albert???? Are you wearing your PJ bottoms fishing???? hahahahaha

Wish it were me ... soon.


Yeah, he was wearing his pajamas. He had to get up at 4:00 AM this morning to make it to my house, that he didn't have time to change.emoGeezer
Didn't have time to change...No, I think your wrong there DK. Thats what he always wears fishing! Atleast thats what he wore at the Spot Fight.
It pains me to no end for the unmitigited gall of some folks to report such things about me. On one hand I stand with head down wishing I had stayed in bed longer this morning, then on the other I am truly amazed at the fine teaching skills that DK put on me this AM. I brought this to the madbomber's attention on one of his many calls to check on us... I also, told him that I had larn't a few things from DK, which I have failed to do with him on our many fishing trips... go figure!!! It ain't my fault I couldn't catch'um. and that's the truth. MB, told me that 12 pound test was plenty big enough to catch these critters. He don't know JACK.
I really did want to catch a big one but it was not to be...However, just want you all to know that it was the best day that I have had in a long time... Being with a friend and fellowshipping with a Brother....priceless. I loved every minute with the exception of his smartaleck remarks from time to time. We had a ball. Can't figure it out......emoScratch used the same bait, fished the same area, expensive rods,retrieved the same, looked good, took good pictures but can't catch the elusive strippers. and yes, TT, I did have on my comfortable lounging britches. thank you very much...
DrumKing, needs to change his handle to STRIPER KING... and that is all I have to say about that... We will do it again..
Chin up Al. We'll get you one of those big fish soon. Maybe you needed to hang your tongue out in a funny way..

I've been there, done that too. Use the same stuff, same methods and NOTHING at all. really ticks me off when that happens! </p>

Still, you guys had a great time on the water together. Thats what its all about
Ha, I wasn't even there and got bad-mouthed anyway!!! I only called twice and it was to DK's cell phone. And, 12 lb Berkely Big Game is TOO big enough for striper fishing. I have NEVER had a striper break me off using 12 lb test!!. Of course, I don't hammer my star drag down as far as it will go either. I asked FA why he had his drag set so tight and he said "SO I CAN GET A GOOD HOOK SET". Big Dummy!!

FA and Clint make a good team "It's all about the hook set"!!emoBigsmile

I landed this 15 lb'er on 8 lb test. What do you think about that, big boy??


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Yall crack me up. When I'm Striper or Catfishing I always keep my drag pretty loose, when I set the hook I have my thumb on the spool hard, as soon as I get the fish hooked I let him take line, you never know how big a fish your hooking and it helps to have the drag loose. my .02
I swear, the first thing I told Fat Albert is to not be stubborn. I told him to pay attention to Dickey, and do everything just like he does and he might catch a fish, but NO! It takes DK sticking the fish for him and handing him the rod, just like DK is a paid guide or something. Oh, the SHAME of it ALL!!! It's a sad day when my fishing buddy has to stick the fish for me so I can wind it in!!!
MadBomber - 11/14/2006 7:11 PM

Of course, I don't hammer my star drag down as far as it will go either. I asked FA why he had his drag set so tight and he said "SO I CAN GET A GOOD HOOK SET". Big Dummy!!

FA and Clint make a good team "It's all about the hook set"!!emoBigsmile

I wasn't going to mention it MadBomber, but since you brought it up, I did check his drag and I couldn't pull the line off the reel. Think that had anything to do with his line breaking this morning?

emoScratch emoBigsmile emoGeezer
DK, elaborate a little on the pros and cons of line size when Rockfishing. I always use 12 lb test because it's easier to break off when I get hung up!
MadBomber - 11/14/2006 7:50 PM

DK, elaborate a little on the pros and cons of line size when Rockfishing. I always use 12 lb test because it's easier to break off when I get hung up!

I use 20 lb Trilene Big Game for striper fishing below dams. Reason is because I think that it floats the 3/4 and 1 oz jigs that I use perfectly. Better depth control. With the 12 pound test line, I would constantly be hanging up and breaking off. I never did hang a time this morning, and I'm not sure but FA might have hung up with his 12 pound line. WB was running 43,900 CFS this AM. It was really humming. Ask Fat Albert about that. We were whizzing down the river this morning. It is hard to control big fish in that strong a current. I have my drag set sort of loose so that they don't break you off. When you are whizzing down the river at the speeds that we were drifting this AM and a 20 pound striper hits going upstream like a greyhound bus, you better have the drag set loose or like FA found out this morning. Pop goes the weasel!emoBigsmile
BBass - 11/14/2006 1:55 PM

Didn't have time to change...No, I think your wrong there DK. Thats what he always wears fishing! Atleast thats what he wore at the Spot Fight.

Hey BBass you reckon he's had them same pj's on all this time?emoEek

DK I guess if you can't take one fat guy you find anotheremoLaugh
Great report,wish I were there. I have vacation next week. Hint,Hint.

Weeell, I guess I need to get back on this report and defend myself... Dang, guys, you all are soooo cruel to me. It seems as if you all just layinwait to get the gaffer in me real good. Yes, I had the drag down pretty good but I could pull it off rather easily. DK, must have been a little weak, but I did back it off some. and the PJ's felt really good this AM. seeing how all my cold weather gear must have shrunk some over the past year.... no big deal, I will buy more. and we do have a washing machine and by golly I know how to use it... I can follow instructions from the proper people. After all I gave MB some real nice ski pants (2) and then he goes on and mean mouths me... good friend.
A good guide would make sure his buddy catches at least one good fish... and we really did not talk too much about line size until we were just about ready to leave..... Done went to the SW and got some bigger line, so there you bunch of smart alecks.... done hurt my feeling... probably will not rest good tonight and I hope you all are satisfied.
Oh, yeah mr. wise guy with the 15 pounder on 8 line.... the fish looked as if he was frozen to death.... pulling in dead weight ain't nothing.... so there

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