Rods with exposed handle

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Seems like I have seen some in a store recently, I will keep my eye out for them. Any reason why your looking? Is there an advantage I dont know about?
Theres quite a few rod makers that offer split grip handles. Kistler for one has split grips.
SpurHunter - 7/19/2007 2:51 PM
... Is there an advantage I dont know about?
Lighter weight (and to save money as cork has risen in price), especially good if you don't use that part of your handle.
Exposed blanks through the handle have been marketed for a very long time among many manufacturers. My first exposed-blank handle came with an Eagle Claw Mountain Eagle rod. It was manufactured around 1990. The next came with a Faber Bros. Fish Stik that I purchased sometime around the year 2000.

Your photo indicates a split grip, which is certainly fashionable among upper-tier rods nowadays.

I have friends who build rods that really "market" that handle as a better way to fish soft plastic baits.

Some of the first commercially made split-grip rods were Mitchell Fulcrums. You could purchase those at the time for as little as $20-25 per rod.

Powell rods have really taken off with them from what I've read most recently.
I was at bass pro today and they too had some of those rods. They were bass pro tx series im6-8. I can't remeber what the price was. They did charge about $81 bucks to leave the store though.

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