Ronnie Garrison, Sinclair, bass, June 7, Jordan

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Ronnie Garrison

Well-known member
May 8, 2006
Griffin, GA
Sunday - June 7, 2009 - Day 158
Lake Sinclair - Flint River Bass Club June tournament
June 7 - 6:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Cloudy morning changed to mostly sunny by noon
Very hot, water muddy to heavy stain

When we took off I stopped at a lighted dock where I caught my first keeper two weeks ago. Main light not on, no bites around the other one and along the deep bank and point. Didn’t stay long, kept feeling the pull of the next spot I wanted to fish.

For the boards that pull this without even bothering to add my sig line, visit my site at - for eveyone on CFF I apologize fo this commercial.

Ran on up to an outside bend in Little River where there are docks, rocks and grass beds. Partner started catching small bass on crankbait. I threw a popper and buzz bait but no hits. Fished around the bend, hitting all the cover. Partner got a small keeper on a Shadrap.

Started back around the bend again. All those little fish must be eating something. Started throwing a jighead and caught some small fish while partner caught some little ones on his crankbait. Passed a dock with brush out in front and when my jig head worm got to it I felt a little tap - set the hook on a solid 2 pound bass. One in the live well at 7:00.

Fished back a third time around the bend catching small fish then got to a marina right at the bridge. Current was running across the point between the ramps and the bridge and I set up downstream of it, right in front of the ramps. Got a hit on a jighead, little keeper. Two in the boat at 8:20.

In the next 15 minutes we caught a dozen bass off that point. I had my limit by 8:30 and partner got two more keepers. All were small. A cat fisherman backed in and we talked as he got his boat ready, then I moved out of the way when he left. Then the current died and so did the bite.

Partner got all excited when a bass busted shad on the riprap right in front of the gas dock so we worked over there. Nothing on a jig head or topwater but when he ran a crankbait by he got a good keeper. Four for him, six or seven for me.

We worked back to the point an the current was moving again but no bites. As we fished it two guys pulled up and opened the marina at 9 AM. One guy came out and asked me to move, to not block the marina. I looked around - not a boat in sight. I told him I had already moved when someone wanted to launch an would get out of the way if a boat came near. He said we should fish the point from the other side. He either didn’t understand current or just didn’t care.

He said we were going to get wet when it rained - I said that was ok, I had a rain suit and that might keep some of the pleasure boaters off the water. He didn’t appreciate that, I guess, and he said they would like to keep the fishermen off the water. Kinda strange, never heard that, but I said probably.

I worked out on the point and he went back inside. We worked on around the point and to the riprap - had been wanting to fish it. Got a good 2 pound keeper on a popper off the riprap, then another fish that culled one of my smaller ones off a dock.

Worked back under the bridge, fished the point but no hits. As I fished down the docks - still no boats in sight - the guy came out and said we needed to leave, not fish his docks, that a woman had gotten a hook in her hand there. I assured him we would get any hooks back we hung up and he said something about everybody does but we still find hooks. He then said we were not being very considerate of others. I said I was, would move if any boats came up, would not leave any hooks.

He kept mumbling and walked up to another older man standing at the head of the dock. The old guy said something about Is that the same boat? Maybe we can help them understand. We need to find out where they are from.

I loudly said Griffin, GA - want my name, too? But he turned and walked away.

We fished on down the docks and around the bend, catching a few more small fish. Partner didn’t get any keepers and the ones I got did not cull.

Ran up into a creek and started working a line of docks on deep water. I got another keeper that didn’t cull and partner said something about me getting the keepers first. I put in the front and we kept fishing, catching short fish. He finally got his fifth keeper at about 1:00, with two hours to fish. Getting very hot since the sun had come out.

At 2 we headed back down the lake, wanted to get closer to weigh-in since boat traffic was getting heavy. As we passed a small creek I remembered brush piles in front of some docks so pulled in. Told partner to stay way out, reminded him most of the better fish we had caught were in deeper water on brush. He got right in on the first dock casting under it in the shade. I turned and threw out to the brush about 50 feet in front of the dock and got a solid 3 pound fish. Felt better, figured I had about 9 - 10 pounds, not bad for Sinclair.

We hit one more spot on the way in and caught some small fish. I figured I got 14 or 15 keepers, partner got only six, and no telling how many throwbacks.

At weigh-in Kwong walked up with a sack of fish and said he had a picture fish. He did - 6.45 pounds. He won with five at 13.68. My five went 10.76 for second, third was five at 9.38 and fourth was 5 at 8.28. We had 18 people bring in 10 limits, two more had four fish and there were two zeros. Pretty good day for this time of year.

When I told what had happened at the marina another club member said they had a problem there in another tournament, guy wanted them to leave because they might hang his gas lines. There were others he had harassed, using different claims. He is crazy, trying to run off fishermen the few hours he is there but most of the fishing there is at night, early in the AM or late in the PM when he is closed. Weird guy, but no fishermen I know of uses his little marina, mostly a boat storage facility.

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