Rules about tying up to things

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puddle jumper

Well-known member
Oct 9, 2007
Calhoun, Ga
Can someone tell me the rule for tying up to the dam walls, bridge piers and the barge cylinders. Also the rules about driving spikes into the same walls to fish. Ive seen people do this but not sure if its legal or not they also dont leave the spikes in most of the time??, Just trying to stay out of trouble.. emoEnforce
I've never heard of anyone getting in trouble for spiking a wall... typically you have to find an existing crack to simply wedge a railroad spike or wood stake into. Since you're typically hitting an existing crack or seam, you're not really doing (much) damage to wall. Barge tie-offs no problem either, except obviously you would be expected to give-way if a barge comes along and needs it. Only time I've known of folks having problems.... it is illegal to tie off to a channel marker buoy, but some folks do it. If the Coast Guard just happens to come along and see you tied off to one of their channel marker buoys, I've heard of them getting a little persnickity about that.
I have seen Law enforcement officers make people that are tied up to the wing wall and dam at Watts Bar, untie and just drift. One boat in particular had 2 men and 1 woman in it and the officer was on the bull horn telling them to untie and they were giving the officer a bunch of lip. They finally said that they would just quit fishing and started back down river to the ramp. It was about time for us to quit fishing so about 20 minutes later when we quit and arrived at the ramp, the officer was writing citations to those three and they didn't look like happy campers. Bet they wished that they hadn't given the man so much lip and just obeyed the law. They could have still been fishing and without a ticket. emoBigsmile emoGeezer
I think that the main issue of an officer is the safety factor.  If you are tied to a dam or wing-wall and the water should surge, you could find yourself in Davy Joines' Locker.

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