Rules Thoughts

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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Yep, that's good. We need to make sure that everyone understands that the entry fee is a boat fee and not half price for a solo angler. We only pay out to three places now regardless of how many boats that we have. $300 maximum for 1st place with 15 boats entered. I vote to keep the big fish pot as a two way or three way split depending on the species weighed in. It's just easier to keep up with the money that way instead of doing a percentage split and having to explain that to the anglers. I have never weighed in a spot to try to get a big fish pot split. I have lost money on at least two Tx.s this past year because of having to split the pot with someone that did. Big deal, so what! I wasn't planning to add to my retirement by being in a fishing Tx. anyway! This trail is supposed to be all about the fellowship, fun, camaraderie, and bragging rights ********! The gamesmanship plan of what species of fish you decide to weigh in is part of the fun to me. How many times did we laugh at someone or that we admitted ourselves that we threw back a spot and didn't weigh it in and that cost us part of the pot? And I still remember that young kid at Nickajack that he and his Father only had one little 12 inch spot to weigh in but he got a part of the pot. The look on that kids face, walking ten feet tall and barrel chested was priceless! So that is my one vote on that subject. You others may chime in please. We need to post an announce the addition of another new Committee Member, Mr. Stephen Hall. I suppose we need to post a new list with all our names and screen names so everyone can share in the "Complaint Department" issues that will be forth coming! Each of us needs a new phone number list for each member too. My home number is 423-899-0367, office is 423-892-3333 and cell is 423-400-4771. Anyone have any other rule change suggestions? If so let's get 'r done now!
I have a complaint. We scuduled the Riverpark in march same as heartland. Man I love it there in march. I can live with it though, lol. Also we need to address the $10 fee we take for new anglers and let them know it's for and unexpected mishaps scales etc. Also, I know I'm fishing free this year, but put that out there as well for anyone trying to complete for AOY. I know it's about fellowship so forth but it's still a tournament trail. I feel if we don't buy the nicer scales then we need to at least put back some of the left, not all for the end of the year classic to explain what we do with all the money. I mean hell it the scales malfunction then we can still use handheld with a bag or go ahead and buy back scales.
And back to the ramps. I really think we need to keep the ramp at Sullivan's except for the night tournament were having on nickajack, cause I agree about the side of running the gorge. Back to Sullivan's, to me it's a happy median for anybody in the trail to fish up or down if they so choose, plus less far to drive for almost everyone. I heard and sure yall have too about, why don't we just use Sullivan's went ramp issues come up. To me it would make everyone satisfied and no complaining cause had to switch to seridono because of other tournaments on lower end. We don't have to worry about heartland or TV bass as in the past.
As far as my contact it's still the same and Stevens # is 423-619-9534.
Oh yeah, I forgot, maybe this year let's try 1 tourney out of holly circle, after water comes up. Yeah its father for me to drive as well but really it's only 10 minutes past thrasher pike exit which cuts over to chesterfrost. It's a nice ramp as well day or night, just not when the waters down. If we do, then let everyone know they will be DQ if they pass while exiting creek on blastoffs. Not to hard, that would actually be a change that I know some would like not just OLDMAN lol.

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