safe boat ramp?

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Jun 4, 2006
going to try a new area tomarrow night above Chick.dam where is a safe boat ramp to be parked at all night?
Chesterfrost, Hrrison Bay, the one right above the dam near Erwin marine... </p>

 Nothing is ever "safe" but I'd go with Harrison Bay or Chesterfrost Park being they have patrol cars running at night.</p>
<font color="#000066">The ramp right above the dam is a good one, I've never had anything messed with there when I've fished all night
So, Harrison Bay is considered part of the Chic.? Hmmm. I never knew that. And here I thought when everybody was talking about the Chic they were talking about the actual Dam itself.
Every bit of water between the Watts Bar Dam and Chickamauga dam is technically Chickamauga. There are lots of areas that people refer to, Harrison bay, Chester frost, Hiwassee, etc. Most of the lake above the Hiwassee is more like river, just like the river below Chickamauga dam is technically Nickajack lake but it's mostly river until you almost get to Hale's bar.
Harrison Bay State Park is a good safe ramp on the east side of the river. Chester frost is good on the west side. The rangers at both places keep a good eye on everything. Been hearing that lots of vehicles are getting broke into at skull island and wolftever at night.