saltyduck, Thursday Night Dogfight, This is for you JMax, 6.26, Brooks (My 5 year old)

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Feb 27, 2009
saltyduck, Thursday Night Dogfight, This is for you JMax, 6.26, Brooks (My 5 year old)

Here is the PM JMax sent me this morning...
Hey, were is your worthless post? You need to make one but it also needs to be worthless since you have the CBA tomorrow. Don't give away any secrets. However open(Empty) minds want to

I fished the dogfight last night with my 5 year old son Brooks. The evening started out as a cluster&%$#. I dumped my boat in the water and realized I had left both of my graphs in the garage... Oh well guess I'm not fishing offshore. Go park the truck and can't find my cell phone... I knew it was in the truck so I will look for it afterwards. Idle out to the mouth of HBSP, and that's when it dawns on me that I have no way of knowing what time it is...

So we blast off and get the 1st spot and after fishing for about ten minutes one moves off with my shakey head... Set the hook and know its a toad. I tell my son to get the net. This fish jumps 8 or 9 times right at the boat so I grab the net (with my sons assistance) and the line I finally get her in the net. On my scale she weighed 7.19#... Good start! I re-tie and two casts later one picks it up and moves off. Set the hook and it starts stripping line comes up and jumps and pow line breaks, it was another one over 7#. Move on down the bank to a brushpile that has had some good fish in it and fish it hard nothing. Fish a bit further and then turn around and hit the brush pile again. One picks it up, set the hook another good one. My son does a much better netting job and the 4.0# comes into the net in an uneventful fashion.

A few minutes later pick up 16 incher to at least give us a limit. I decide to move on as I didn't want to catch another good fish out of this area with the CBA Saturday night. Hit a number of spots and culled by a couple of ounces maybe and caught a few short fish as well. It was getting dark and figured it was a little after 9 so we decided to head to ramp. Walk up to the truck and its only 8:46 but I found my phone!

Went ahead and loaded it up and waited for weigh-in. Had 13.15# and the big fish weighed 7.23# good for 1st and the win which paid $267 total. Not bad considering the entry fee when fishing with a youth is only $12.

Guys these dogfights are great tournaments to get your younger kids involved in competitive fishing. My son hasn't been able to stop talking about it!
Re: saltyduck, Thursday Night Dogfight, This is for you JMax, 6.26, Brooks (My 5 year old)

Good job, glad you and your son had a fun time.
Re: saltyduck, Thursday Night Dogfight, This is for you JMax, 6.26, Brooks (My 5 year old)

That's awesome Shane...your boy will remember that for a long time!
Re: saltyduck, Thursday Night Dogfight, This is for you JMax, 6.26, Brooks (My 5 year old)

Great evening ! Also glad you made jmax happy.
RE: saltyduck, Thursday Night Dogfight, This is for you JMax, 6.26, Brooks (My 5 year old)

Yep, I am happy now. emoAngel I love it when a little feller gets to go with his dad fishing and they win. emoDance Could not be happier for you two. emoWorthy Jmax
RE: saltyduck, Thursday Night Dogfight, This is for you JMax, 6.26, Brooks (My 5 year old)

Great report! It sounds like a fun but valuable lesson to your son on not giving up when things aren't necessarily going the way you want. emoGeezer
Re: saltyduck, Thursday Night Dogfight, This is for you JMax, 6.26, Brooks (My 5 year old)

Re: saltyduck, Thursday Night Dogfight, This is for you JMax, 6.26, Brooks (My 5 year old)

RE: saltyduck, Thursday Night Dogfight, This is for you JMax, 6.26, Brooks (My 5 year old)

Jmax - 6/27/2014 10:03 AM

Yep, I am happy now. emoAngel I love it when a little feller gets to go with his dad fishing and they win. emoDance Could not be happier for you two. emoWorthy Jmax

... Yes Sir! What Jmax said!
Re: saltyduck, Thursday Night Dogfight, This is for you JMax, 6.26, Brooks (My 5 year old)

Congrats! Great story
Re: saltyduck, Thursday Night Dogfight, This is for you JMax, 6.26, Brooks (My 5 year old)

Great job Shane and congrats to you and your boy on the win. Good luck this weekend!
Re: saltyduck, Thursday Night Dogfight, This is for you JMax, 6.26, Brooks (My 5 year old)

Great Job with a 5yr old!!! Memories are forever!!!
Re: saltyduck, Thursday Night Dogfight, This is for you JMax, 6.26, Brooks (My 5 year old)

Congrats on the win with your son and the dog fight !!
Re: saltyduck, Thursday Night Dogfight, This is for you JMax, 6.26, Brooks (My 5 year old)

Thanks Guys! I really didn't think there was anyway that we would win with the weight we had, but it just worked out! My son was asking me tonight if he could fish the CBA with me tomorrow night. I told him 12 hours was a bit to long for a 5 year old. Won't be long though!
Re: saltyduck, Thursday Night Dogfight, This is for you JMax, 6.26, Brooks (My 5 year old)

Awesome report and congrats on the win!
Re: saltyduck, Thursday Night Dogfight, This is for you JMax, 6.26, Brooks (My 5 year old)

Congrats bud. That's awesome! My son is 13 months and I look forward to him fishing with me in the years to come. Try not to look too far ahead though cause they grow like grass! Bein a dad is special and I sure have a different outlook on mothers and fathers day. Team Powell had a 7.4,6.3,3.5 when we loaded up at 11. I've caught more fish this year over 5 pounds than I have in any year of my 25 years of fishing. Thank you chick and twra!! Hope to get my son a w in a competition at 5!! Awesome job!
Re: saltyduck, Thursday Night Dogfight, This is for you JMax, 6.26, Brooks (My 5 year old)

congrats its always great when you get to take the kids
Re: saltyduck, Thursday Night Dogfight, This is for you JMax, 6.26, Brooks (My 5 year old)

congrats and great post