I HAVE CANCELED the SATURDAY DOGFIGHT at Chester Frost Park due to the WEATHER COND. and I have lost my snow chains to my boat trailer. HOPE to see everyone FEB. 6 2010 at CHESTERFROST PARK boat ramp. THANKS DD22FISH emoThumbsup emoLaugh
Not so fast Bbass, I think I may win this one. I may still have it without you guys, a tournament of one boat will be a shoe in to win it. emoPoke .... emoBigsmile Jmax
NO one showed this morning, i went to the ramp to sign boats up not even BBASS. NO FISH JACKSON was casting a spoon from the docks and hooked a DUCK ,HE said that made him the winner without catching a fish. emoLaugh emoLaugh DD22FISH