Sauger jigs

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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Does anybody have a good online source for sauger jigs in various weights?

If I was in town I would stop by some of the local places to pick up some. My local places do not have any.
Most sauger jigs are made local, but sells a 1 oz. in four or five colors.
I didn't know there were special jigs to catch sauger with, I use plain ole lead heads with some sort of rubber tails, like a beetle spin tail or a twister tail, using different colors of tails, I have used these for years and they catch sauger and waleyes.
Last December we caught a few on small jigging spoons (the 3/8 oz CC spoons). Sportsmans had a bunch of these last week.
DHaun, whats the name of that little bait shop on the way to Nick. dam... up the mountain, cross into Alabama? I cant remember. He has alot of tackle for Sauger.
R&R Bait and Tackle on hwy 41 at the Nickajack exit carries the football head sauger jigs. Been using these for years and they work great. They have several colors.
I do use a stinger on these but instead of using tuffies I use the 2" pearl sassy shad.
I know its a long shot but, if anyone is ever coming through Huntsville on business or plesure and in need of sauger jigs, there is a place called Buster's that has a ton and they make some of them right in the store.

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