Saw a CFFer today

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Well-known member
Nov 7, 2007
UT Chattanooga
I was heading towards the chick dam today on Amnicloa at about 1 or 1:30 & i saw a fellow CFFer.Not sure who but he had a couple stickers in the back window of an older blue ranger, and a few more stickers on a green jon boat.Headed out i suppose.Just wonderin who it was.I waved but i dont think you saw me.I gotta get a sticker.
Dont think so i wouldve recognized him from his pics.This was an late 80's early 90's Ranger.I was just wondering if he was a regular & if he had any luck today.
You would be surprised how many folks read but don't post reports. Don't bother me, if what I report helps someone, I am thrilled, cause if you can duplicate my ridiculous fishing methods, more power to ya!
O yea another sticker i noticed was a Deal's Gap one.I just noticed it cause thats right where i live & i drive the "Dragon" almost every weekend.O well small world.

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