Scenic City Cat Report 5/26 and 5/27/07

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Apr 29, 2005
What a difference a week makes. After a super day last Sunday I thought the Sequoyah cats were in a pattern. That's what I get for thinking. emoBang They're still there, they were just finicky and mush-mouthed this weekend. I bet we missed 20 good bites Saturday. The fish just wouldn't hit like they meant it, either small and/or non-aggressive. On Saturday with Drew & Matt Downey from Knoxville/Pennsylvania I did a LOT of running around the lake looking for "hot" fish. We never found them, one fish here... one fish there. I sort of regretted running around when it was time to run from the Dam back to Sequoyah dodging cruisers. On Sunday me, Clayton Cornell along with his sons Addison and Marshall just hung in there at the Nuke and slugged it out. Those two young men are troopers. I don't see many youngsters their age ready and willing to hang in there when the bite is tough, but they sure did. emoWorthy We ended up putting a decent mess of fish in the boat, but only because we outlasted 'em! emoBigsmile Highlight for me was watching Addison wrestle a 12-pound fish out of 55 feet of water on light spinning tackle w/8 lb. test. emoThumbsup Oh yea, he caught it on chicken breast. emoBigsmile The moral of the story, you can catch some cats right now as long as you take your Patience Pills. Here's a few "slide show" pics. (You dial-up users, give 'em time to load).

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Got to visit a bit with BBass and foodsaver. Here's a bonus pic of BBass.

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Way to hang in there rsimms. Sometimes you just have to wait them out that's for sure. I'm glad that the kids were able to do it. It can be a long day if the kids bail out on you early.
Nice fish! The thing about the kid wrestling the fish from 55 feet up to the top on 8 pound test line is something that you'd have to do to understand. Those cats know they have plenty of water under them and are not shy about using it! That is a real fight from that depth.
MrWiskers - 5/27/2007 4:50 PM Wow, you called a pic of Bbass a bonus.emoPoke

<font color="#6600ff">I agree with you MrWishers....I was really enjoying the pictures that Richard had posted and then  he may have ruined the day with the last pic....loved the smiles on the kids faces....</font></p>
Good report, Richard. The bite should get really aggressive from Wednesday on for a week or so. Let me know what you find. emoBigsmile emoGeezer
Good seeing you today Richard. The kids looked like they were having a great time! Thanks for sharing the pics.</p>

As for Mr Whiskers and Fat Albert...I guess ya'll "little fish catchers" have to stick together so I forgive ya'll.

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