This is an interesting thread and I really want to thank jason for giving the detailed info. The ability to share info with Google maps and Army Corps maps available on the web is great! Here's my take on the schoolers. I have two places that have been pretty consistent this year in concentrating schoolers, I took EricM to one about a month ago and we caught 39 LMs there in just a few hours. The fish there have been less consistent for the last couple of weeks but there is another spot that has been consistent and fish come up there almost all day long so long as there is current. The spot where Eric and I went is not dependent on current as far as I can tell but fish come up there in the low light periods of the day, dawn and dusk have brought the fish up there. It is a place where a long shallow point is bordered by 15+ feet of water and as FF said, the bass push the bait up onto the top of the shallow point to eat them. The other spot is a main lake spot where there is an underwater obstruction that is directly in the path of the main river flow and comes up from 45 feet to around 13 feet in a short distance. My reasoning as to why the fish are consistently in that area is that there is an upwelling of water there from the impedence of the flow which gives the predators an eddie to be in and disorients bait balls that are being pushed through the area by the main river flow. I looked at the Army Corps map of the slough that jason marked up for us and my reasoning as to why that slough would be a good place to concentrate fish consistently is that it's on an outside bend of the river channel. Large ammounts of plankton are pushed into that slough and the baitfish follow the plankton and the bass follow the baitfish. That's my thinking as to why that slough is more consistent than others might be. Anybody else have a thought about it? Thanks again jason!