cheez - 2/7/2008 7:25 PM
Guys I am by no means as good as Drumking. He crappie fishes 20 times more than me. I can catch a few when I go sometimes. This is how I learned. Forget the bass and cats in the spring and fish for crappie from now untill about mid April or so. Try lots of different baits,techniques and presentations. You have to get a feel for how a crappie bites and how they live and change sometimes from hour to hour. Once you get the knack for catching them in the spring when it is relatively easy then you work on catching them at other times of the year when it is harder. One thing I cannot stress enough is that there is absolutely no substitute and no shortcut for time spent on the water. It is not as hard as ya'll are making it sound but you can't go once a month and learn much. I know I am speaking for Drumking when I say that the biggest reason he catches crappie so well is that he is on the water several times a week and has done it for years and years. Just like anything else in life there are few rookies that can perform at veteran levels especially without regular dilligent practice. Study what works, keep a log and before you know it you will be loading the boat. Remember too that no matter what there are still going to be days when the fish don't get the memo that they are supposed to bite.emoBigsmile