
Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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Planning on taking my son and daughter to the river park to do some fishing, I bought me a casting net and was wondering where is a good place on the river to catch some bait?</p>
<h2>Come on guys and help a brotha out, I've never done this cast net thing. I thought that after I put the boat in I'd go run to the dam and see if there's any around the locks or flood gates. I got some instructions just gonna have to practice LOL</h2>
Best help I can give is PRACTICE. I learned in the back yard and it sure is easier than learning on the water. I've never gone for shad below Chickamauga dam, but have at others. What I suggest is that you look for eddies next to the faster water and try there. Watch the bottom, you'll lose your net if you hang in the rocks, and in fast water it can pull you out of the boat before you can get your wrist out of the loop! Be careful and good luck! Oh, and the suggestion about the wing wall is good, and the water is deeper there.
supertrucker - 5/18/2007 9:52 PM

Would it be better to cast from the bank where everyone fishes at the dam?</p>
Yes, best place to throw from shore is right at face of dam where everyone fishes.... over the blue rail, especially if they are running #1 turbine (closest to you). You can throw off of fishing pier if you've got enough line. But if you try to throw of of the rocks, you'll often hang the rocks and donate your cast net to the river.

Here is a link with online video demonstration of how to throw a cast net. I use the method demonstrated by Steve Brown. It works great for me, but there are dozens of methods.
Hey, thanks a bunch for the info
If you get there real early in the morning, the bank fishermen usually haven't shown up and you can cast at face of Dam (over the blue rail). But if you get there after the bank fisherman have shown up, it can be tough to "get position" unless they're kind enough to give way so you can make a few throws. They'll often do that if you offer to share some fresh bait with them.

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