SHane, Chick, Bass, 11/17/18, Andrew

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Well-known member
Nov 20, 2016
Did pretty good first trip to Chick, so we decided to try again. Put in at Chester Frost and thought maybe, if we did ok, might fish frostbite next week. WRONG!!! We had one fish all day. Andrew caught a 3 lb on a swim jig. I think we threw everything we owned. Fished several points, like we saw everyone else. I don’t know what we were doing wrong. Found bait so thick we were hooking shad minnows on our lures, but still nothing..... The Chick beat us today. Not giving up. We will be back, but at a loss right now.
Hate to hear that you guys had a tough day yesterday. I've often heard that when bait gets that thick its hard to get them to bite anything. I've had the same results myself.