Shotgun Advice...

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Well-known member
Feb 13, 2008
Huntsville, AL
I am looking into a shotgun strictly for home-protection. I have pretty much narrowed it down to either the mossberg 590a1 or the remington 870 tactical. The features I am interested in are as follows: compact (easy to handle in tight spaces), fairly inexpensive (I don't need bells, whistles, etc.), and reliability. I just need it to be effective. Do any of you guys have either of these weapons, and if so what are your opinions? Thanks.
They both would serve you well. I like the mossberg pumps over the new Remingtons. The last few Rem pumps I have had were picky with certain shells. It seems the quality is lacking with the newer Rems vs the older ones. The mossberg pumps, well their mossbergs. THey shoot all the time, you wont have to clean them much, not the prettiest, but they work and are reliable.
Well I really enjoy shooting people with the 870 in Battlefield Bad Company 2--
Pros: 1 shot kills within 20 yards
Easy to manuever in tight spaces
4 round clip (probably expandable in real life)

Cons: Useless beyond 30 yards
Not the quickest reloads
Can't look down the sights

I hope I havemade your decision a little easier.</p>

Mossberg all the way. Great quality and value. A pistol grip ia must. Also you can have the barrel cut down to the legal limit. I forget what it is right now. Depending on how comfortable you are with a pump I might reccomend an automatic. As for what JaSkynerd said about sights you wont need them in an urban combat/ home protection situation. That's one of the beautiful things about a shotgun for home protection. Its all about point and shoot which is all an untrained individual will be doing in that kind of situation.
I like 870's. I don't own tactical weapons, but I think the 870's are great. The Mossbergs I looked at for what I want do not compete. Oh, and while they are not tactical, they are both loaded with 00 buckshot and I know they will work just fine........Jim
Either will do the job you are wanting to do with them. There are severial different things you can add to the guns if you want to for home defense. I would recommend you load either gun with # 9 bird shot. With this shot size you do not have to worry about shooting through the walls and hitting someone you are not shooting at. There are severial different videos that prove this point out there. The last one i watched showed what would happen if the gun was loaded with 00 Buck, Slugs and #9 bird shot. The 00 Buck and Slug went through two interior walls and the outer wall of the house. The Bird shot hit the interor wall and stopped not going through the wall. I have a 20 gauge beside the bed loaded with # 9s and a 45 ACP in the night stand amd as my conceiled carrier gun. Choose which one best suites you and your family and good luck.
Do your research and deciede on 2 things, how it feels in your hands and dependability. Take heed to kyboy's words he is talking truth, the 2 best home defense weapons are a shotgun and a .45acp. most people do like buckshot but i like #4 high brass, you would not believe the energy produced by the #4 and as mentioned above it doesnt penetrate walls as easily as the buckshot.
The most frightening sound in the world to any bad guy is the sound of a racking slide of a pump shotgun!
I have shot and owned both. They are both good guns that are made to work all day long as duty guns. They will be sitting in a closet and will be ready whenever you are.

The difference is that one has a safety in the trigger guard and the other has a thumb safety. This + price should determine which one you get. There is no fundamental difference between the top and bottom line of either product $200-500. They will all work well.

That being said....I honestly suggest if it is going to be a pure SD shotgun the $170 Mosserberg Maverick 18.5" at Academy sports is what you want to look at before you spend a lot of money. It is a mossberg 500 with a trigger grip safety. Don't laugh at the price....95% of the parts will interchange on a $450 590

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