Should have just stayed home! 6/28

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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Well-known member
Oct 24, 2006
Rock Spring, GA
I didn't think this one should go under fishing reports, cause there wasn't much of that going on last night! I decided to head to the lake about 5:00, but I forgot 3 things. About two miles down the road I realize that I left my keys at home and I forgot to put the lock (which was on the bumper) on the trailer. Well I stop to see if the lock is still there, but of course it's MIA. So I turn around to go get my keys. As I pull into the neighborhood I had my first, and only, good luck of the night as I saw my lock in the middle of the road. So, I get my keys, get to the ramp, fight through some particularly dumb pleasure boaters to get launched and head up Wolftever. Second cast, got nailed, but before I could set the hook I almost got knocked out of the boat by some ski boat wake. I swear, the guy must have been timing it, because the second time he passed me the same thing happened. By now you may be wondering what the 3rd thing was that I forgot. Well....... if you guessed checking the weather, then you would be correct! After 5 minutes of fishing I turned around to see a hurricane bearing down on me, so I pulled in under an old covered dock. It didn't matter much, however, since the rain was coming down horizontally. After an hour it let up, so wisely, I got this rear end to the house before anything else could happen.
RE: Should have just stayed home! 6/29

Sorry for the bad trip, but I am gald to see that it doesnt just happen to me. My last big "OOPS" involved a missing plug and a bilge pump working overtime emoBang

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