Should I switch to synthetic oil?

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Well-known member
Nov 28, 2005
Ooltewah Tn.
Would somebody tell me when synthetic oil is necessary?
My outboard is 2002 model 200 hp Merc. I was told the regular 2 cycle oil was all I needed but would like to limit engine wear as much as possible. Since I don't have a manual I wonder if it would be wise to use synthetic. If I do start to use it must I never go back? I hear if you begin using it in a car you shouldn't go back to regular oil. ???
I run full synthetic oil because it doesn't build up carbon deposits as bad as regular 2 stroke engine oil. I also run a cocktail of Mercury Quickleen and Seafoam in every tank. I am not a big fan of the synthetic blend. My motor mechanic said the blended oil wasn't any better than the regular oil and he recommended that I run full synthetic.