Sign up DEADLINE!!!

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

Help Support Chattanooga Fishing Forum:

I can pay extra and be last boat out , I’ve been trying to reach 200 since March feel free to tex me 423-802-6799
Pork Chop teasing deadline, lol emoEnforce emoEnforce emoPoke emoPoke emoDoh , he made it, emoDance ,,,, emoGeezer emoUSA
So I can I or no? It’s my first one I didn’t know how to sign up , I thought you did it at the ramp
You have to sign up on the sign up thread to fish the CFF. At the ramp you check in pay and get your boat number.
Aj how you gonna fish friday night and run a tournament saturday morning? You just asking for pain... emoBang emoScratch emoDoh
Jonboatin, we have the sign up thread cut off on Wednesday night before a Friday night Tx. If it's a day Tx. we cut off the sign up on Thursday night. This gives us time to prepare the weigh in sheets and print them out for the registration at the ramp prior to blast off. This keeps us from having to hand write everything down on a legal pad. Then the sheets are ready to use at weigh in time. It's just a little faster and easier to use. The participants must have 200 post. This can be a combined number of the two anglers. So if one angler has 200 post or more and the other none they still can fish. Or if one has 150 post and the other has 50 they can fish. Again just as long as the two anglers have a total of 200 or more.

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