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Well-known member
May 30, 2006
Charleston, Tn.
Fished tail waters this morning for stripers, not a single hit. I was using jigs with fluks and rubber shad. watched another fellow catch 1 every drift, showed us a nice 29 lb. We couldn't buy a bite or catch a cold. Somebody HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know the feeling Tileman - I had bad luck on them last Spring....In my experience stripers can be hit or miss due to several variables, however, one thing I have heard mentioned time and time again is to avoid running the boat over the fish and to approach a drift from the side. I have seen feeding fish shut down more than once when boats drive right over them. I like my quiet 4-stroke for that reason but if there is a crowd running over the fish all day it does not do a whole lot of good.

I'm no expert on catching them but I love striper fishing - I'm going below Nickajack in the morning cold to try myself.
PM drumking, he's always got the info to put you on fish. He knows the perfect drift up there from what he tells me. He still needs to show me though.
I fished WattsBar tailwaters again today for stripers... got skunked! We eneded up catching skipjack instead, if they were a little smaller I would have rigged one up live, but most were 15+inchers. I wish DK was there this a.m., maybe I would have learned a trick or two.
Make sure you are using 3/4 oz jigs or heavier, keep in contact with the line at all times and get them deep, when in doubt, set the hook.