Sloppy Floyd - 02/25/2007 - Bass

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My Dad and I headed out to Sloppy Floyd this morning, around 10:30 AM. Did anyone on here order hurricanes? Sheesh at the wind! Had it not been for the wind, today would have been PERFECT! Partly cloudy and warm. Just the wind..............gusting to 25-30 MPH.

At any rate, I had bought some stuff for the trip that Josh and I made to the Chick, and while there, I had started to really like the shakey-head rig...........jighead with long shank and finesse worm, rigged weedless. I decided that I would go out to the Floyd and try it, and see what the bass would do.

Dad, meanwhile, started off for bass, using the same worm I was using, but on a T-rig. He didn't get a single bite. I managed to get several hits, all of them just felt "mushy" know, the old sponge feeling adage. A lot of them, though were only getting the tail of it, it seemed, and sitting still. Finally, a small bass, 11 1/4" long took it, and I got it to the bank.

We went down to the lower lake and visted the stumps I fish religiously. I honestly didn't expect to get much of anything there, as the water on the lower lake is 2-3 degrees colder than the upper lake. I made several casts, and on the 4th cast, I got a MAJOR hit. It was one of those hits where you know it's a fish, but the shock of getting bit that hard and not expecting it, caused me to set the hook too soon and missed the fish. That's when I got a little more serious about things, and started paying a little more attention.

The next cast resulted in me bringing in someone's old SpiderWire line. The next cast after that, though, resulted in something that hasn't happened to me ever, til today. I felt the fish hit the worm and drop it, and I let it fall back to the bottom, and jiggled the line just enough to make the worm quiver...........and the fish CAME BACK and nailed it. It wasn't a very hard it, but it was solid enough that I didn't 2nd guess if it was a fish or a limb. :) That little feller nailed it way out there, I am talking like a 50 yd. cast, or longer! So, I set the hook while reeling, and just kept reeling til I got more line in, and set the hook again. :) He was hooked solidly in the nose, and wasn't coming unbuttoned. It was also 11 1/4".

All in all, just a day out with my Dad, and a few fish to smell the fingers up. :) I am hoping that Dad and I can get out more this spring and do some more fishing.

Oh yea, the top lake of the Floyd had a little color.........I could only see my lure down to around 9-10" in the water, but the bottom lake, which catches the run-off from the top lake, was still as clear as it ever was...........even with the decent amount of rain that we got last night. :eek:
If you set the hook on a shaky-head in the same manner that you set a t-rig, you will come up empty about 90% of the time. The hookset should be similar to that used on a drop-shot. Reel until you feel the load and then pull upward or back as you continue reeling. If you miss the fish, immediately drop the lure and shake a few times...they will usually pick it back up.
Actually, that's the first thing that I told my Dad. I have used the shakey-head before, but without any success on it, I kinda laid it down. I picked it back up this time, and when I got that first bite, I rared back and let'er rip. As soon as I reeled the rig in to set the worm back straight, I looked at Dad and said, "I gotta remember this isn't a T-rig, and that I gotta let them have it just a second longer."

However, I know that the fish weren't taking the worm all the way. I know, because I managed to hook into a fish right next to the dock, and I let him swim with the worm for a while. He just kinda swam away, and he just had the worm. Now, I am not saying that all the bass that I had hit today were doing that, but I would be willing to bet that a majority of them were.

A fellow angler on Sloppy Floyd, that I have talked to a few times, has said that the ole timers that fish there with nightcrawlers have said that they aren't taking the crawlers as well as they have. So, for some reason, they are reluctant to fully commit to taking the rig. I am thinking that with the weather, the craws have been moving in the Floyd, and they have been eating pretty well. Also, with the rain last night, it pushed a lot of extra food into the water for the fish.

The funniest thing is the look that my Dad gave to me when he saw me hook into that second bass I got today. He looked at me, smiled, and went back to fishing. I told him how I had set the hook, and where it was hooked, and he just kinda chuckled. It's one of those looks like, "The moron finally gets it." emoPoke

I will be the frst to admit that I am more of a power angler, and that will take some time to adjust to the finesse approach. Some of the finesse stuff, I do a lot of the time, and has become second nature to me. I get a lot of funny looks when I am flipping gnarly cover with 10-12 lbs. mono. LOL I have caught a crap load of fish doing it, and I know how to set the hook and work the fish away from the cover. This will just be another transitional period into a new form of fishing, and I will get it sooner or later. LOL Sooner hopefully than later. emoSmile

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