Slow Fishing at the Wolftever bridge 2/23/2007

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Well-known member
Dec 22, 2005
Cleveland, (work in Harrison)
Extreemly Slow Fishing at the Wolfeteever bridge. I have stopped by the bridge on 58 every day this week and not had one hit. I tried jigs & minnows. I am thinking if the gulls are having a free-for-all on the shad so are the fish! If they are there there is so much free food that they want mess with anything there till those shad move. (Just a thought). I saw several shad fluttering on the top of the water looking like thay were about to give up the ghost and the gulls were just nailing them. Each day I saw less & less of the gulls but still no fish. Hopefully, when the water temp warms up we will see some fish moving into the creek from the bay and we bank fisherman can get some action.
Fat Albert and I had the exact same experience this morning in Wolftever. Tons of dying threadfin all over the creek and hundreds of stuffed gulls everywhere. The wind made it a tough time for us to run anywhere else to fish so we trolled 6 rods all over the place in water ranging from 5-15 ft and marked very few fish...tons of bait swimming in slow circles but no fish. We also scouted a slough next to Harrison Bay and it was even more of a desert having no bait or fish marked. Albert was kind enough to catch one yellow bass. I hope it picks up sometime soon...
<font color="#ff0066">With the wind blowing from the NNE it makes fishing rather tough.  Did have the pleasure of sharing the boat with DHaun and I must say he is a gentleman and scholar...With tons of equipment and baits and experience without question we did not do well at all.  So we had enough time to get aquainted and good fellowship.  I was surprised to find some water that hit 50 degrees..  just no fish.  The madbomber will say that it was me, but don't ya believe him.  No one was catching fish today... There will be a next time...
Glad to hear your report guys even if you didn't catch fish. I have been wondering if they had turned on yet or not with the few nice days we have had. It won't be long before we start seeing some nice catches.
Man don't feel bad, I went down to GrassHopper just to get away from the dieing shad and guls but only caught 13. I had two LM, one was 3lbs emoSmile , six crappie, four yellow bass and a bream. Long trip for not much more than that.:( Jmax

Caught the LMs and Yellows on silver buddy and the crappie on a yellow/chartruse tube.
Dhaun & FA, when I talked to you I had only managed 4 shorties but I decided to run and ended up with 7 or 8 keepers I believe and another 8 to 10 shorties. Brought enough home for a fish fry tonight ;)
Good luck if you go this weekend.
I was also in the wolf yesterday. Saw plenty of bait and gulls but no fish. Rough day to be on the water. Whats the deal with the dying threadfin. I thought to myself that we havent had a good rain in a while and they might be oxygen deprived. Also, in all my years of living in Harrison I have never seen this many gulls. What's up with that? Hey D, do you have yellow bullet.
Glad you found some fish tndoe270 - Hope they make a nice dinner! We started to run to some spots closer to the main river channel but the wind and a few faces splashed full of cold water from those North wind breakers shut that down for us...I turned around and hid out in the creek.

BASS J, It's my understanding that the cold water temps cause the threadfin to die. Some think that helps the Springtime striper fishing below the Dams. I was in a 18 ft G3 with Yamaha 90 4-stroke.
I was wondering about the threadfin. I have never seen so many floating and stuggling as I did yesterday, you would think that would make for good fishing. Guess not.
A shad dieoff is somewhat common every year. The water was less than 45 degrees for a long time this year and I think that it finally go to most of them. It's good for the fish but tough on the fishing. With so much easy bait it's hard to imagine taking fish on artificials in open water for me so I would hit structure and isolated cover near the creek channels if it were me. But then again, that's always my game plan isn't it? Boring but effective.

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