A lot of differences in brands with the same pitch. I had a 2L that would turn a 26 chopper to 6K all day long. Put a 25 Tempest plus on it, and it wouldn't get out of it's own way. So the brand of prop can make a difference. Call Billy or Tim at Performance Propeller 842-7767 and tell them "DUNLAP BOY" sent ya. They may be able to tweak what you have to get the results you are looking for or tell ya what you need. emoToast emoToast
WHAT ENGINE are you running? I'll assume it's a 225 Merc Optimax and not the Pro XS. Your 3-blade should be a Tempest Plus. Try pulling one plug out at a time and test the results. You will probably end up taking them all out. If that doesn't get you going with a load, you'll need to try a 25P Tempest. The 25 will get you up, but may put you in the limiter in cool weather.