I'm not sure of the intention of the original post, but at this point in time would say that the smallmouth fishing in east TN reservoirs/lakes is mediocre at best. I know there are big smallmouth around but have been disappointed in the overall smally fishing in east TN (always thought of as a smallmouth wonderland, where the world record came from, etc). Right now nothing comes close to the Great Lakes, NE, and NW fisheries for brown bass.
Interesting that one of the posts that has gone on for many days now is on the harvesting of spots. It's quite obvious fishing below Chick dam that spots have taken over the river there, and by looking at the creel limits on many other lakes in the area that this is also the case. Can't help but think that if the spot populations were minimal in these water bodies that the smallmouth population would be incredible since they prefer similar habitat. Beetlespin said it best (or was it Mr. Darwin, or maybe the Slapaho blood in him? Sorry, I'm still laughing over that one), the strongest for the conditions will survive. We (man) create the right conditions with our big concrete structures that block the river, pollution and silt filled creeks and drainage ditches dumping into the lakes, killing of grass when property owners think it's impacting their docks and beaches, not managing the populations properly (too many or too few being "harvested"), etc.
I've rambled on enough, once again I have to say thanks to DHaun and all you CFFers for this incredible website! I've already learned more in a month of participating on this forum than I had in my previous year and a half in east TN. There are incredible fisheries here and I'm really enjoying learning them.
BTW, my CFF stickers arrived and are on the boat and truck. If you see a blue/silver Fisher bass boat on the riv' or a blue F250 in the parking lot give me a holler!