Smoking. Quiittng?

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Well-known member
Jun 5, 2006
Has anyone on here taken any Chantix to try and quit smoking? If so how was your experience? I know smoking is a terrible habit and eventually will kill me. I have tried quiting once before and didnt turn out so well. I have tried to dip but its not the same. Thanks
Re: Smoking. Quiting?

I successfully quit using chantix 4 1/2 years ago. Best decision I ever made. The only downfall is the 25lbs I gained.
Re: Smoking. Quiting?

Nicorette has worked for me. I didn't smoke, I dipped, but I believe its the same difference, there is actually more nicotine in a dip than a cigarette. My last dip was the August night CBA (August 25th), and haven't had a dip since. It hasn't been to difficult and I have dipped for 12 years. I had some friends say there are some crazy side effects to Chantix, crazy dreams, and short fuse with anger...
Just Keep Thinking How Much Fishing Tackle you can Buy with the Money you spend on Cigaretts It has become a costley Habit GOOD LUCK YOU CAN DO IT
I used chantix and i am still smoking today you have to decide if thats what you want to do and just quit on will power it might help to take it if you really want to stop but it will noyt work by itself
My father-in-law, Danny, and my husband, Bob, both tried the Chantix. Just let me say this, Danny done very well. He quit for about 2 weeks and did not have any side effects. Bob on the other hand suffered from bad headache, very bad dreams, and was very mean. Bob had been without cigs for about 5 days, when his boss brought his a pack and told him he needed a smoke because he was just awful to be around. That in turn caused Danny to start smoking again.

Me on the other hand, I am Catholic so every year I give up something for the season of Lent so I gave up smoking in 2010. By the way, Lent is the time between Ash Wednesday through Easter Sunday. I still get cravings and I get alot of second hand smoke but I am very proud of myself for quitting and staying quit. emoAngel
You can do it without the chantix. I quit cold turkey on May 20, 2011. The two things that helped me most were prayer and orbitz gum.
<font size="3" face="georgia,palatino">COLD Turkey since March 3, 1993. At the time I was a four pack a day man and had enjoyed 25 years of smoking. It is a decision that you and you alone have to make. I carried around new packs of smokes for six months. The only time I really wanted a puff was when I didn't have one. Good luck with what ever you decide.</font>
Good luck on your attempt to stop with that bad habit, That is the best thing you can ever do for those who Love you most... Make good friends with Mr Will Power.
before I had my lung removed because of cancer 3 years ago. I had to quit smoking and I used the patches from cvs and started walking 2 times a day. Just had to put the patch on in the morning.never missed them but still had crazy dreams at night.just make sure to put the patch on in the am. that way the stuff is in your system all day. I never was ill with anyone and the walking helps with the tension. I was up to 3 miles in the am and3 miles in the evening, good luck .Bama
I quit cold turkey July of 2004. My girlfriend-now beautiful wife- told me she would not continue dating a smoker. I know she was worth more to me than my habit, so i made up my mind and quit. Doctor gave me Welbutrin to help with the side effects for about a month, but you have to do it because YOU want to.
If I can quit drinking after 20 yrs. & down to 126Lbs you can quit smoking! I asked the man upstairs to help ( and Really meant it) and he did. You can too, but really have to want to stop & not just for a few weeks or a month or two. You'll do it when your ready & not until! Good luck Eric!!! emoThumbsup emoThumbsup emoThumbsup
I tried everything to quit about 25 years ago. Finally, I just got totally Po'd one day. You know like in the movie Josey Wales when he said, " sometimes you just gotta get plumb mad dog mean"! When you decide that, and your mind is made up, that's when you'll quit. Now I did use a couple of strange thing to help me. A straw or ink pen to chew on and a rubber band on my hand to play with. It helps keeps your hands occupied! It works! Been clean ever since. Good luck my man!
Well i havent quit and still puffung away. I plan on stopping soon.Thanks for the advice and support. I decided to set a date and stick to it.
Quitting was hard. Then I started telling myself that if I give in and smoke when I just have to have one I will be helping that feeling come back but if I didn't give in it would eventually go away.</p>

Started smoking when I was nine quit at 35 and have been quit for 30 years. Like some others four packs a day when they were 25 cents a pack.</p>

Tough it out. It will get better.
Quitting smoking was Traumatic but one of the easiest decisions I ever made. Once the decision was made I never wanted to ever Suck another Cigarette. I was about Twelve years old. I sold drink bottles for the deposit offered and took my earnings and bought a pack of Red Top cigarettes for $0.26. My Buddy Ted Williams also purchases a pack. We went up to Dead Man's Canyon above East lake Park where we proceed to fire those things up and started sucking the nasty smoke from those things. I knew nothing of inhaling, I just sucked the smoke into my mouth and blew it out like I saw adults do. I do not recall how many I burned but I do know my head started to spin. I remember well being flat on my back looking at the sky as it sparkled. The earth I was lying on began to heave up and roll where I desperately tried to hang on by grasping the soil. Some how I managed to find my way home. By the time i had made my way there I had already had to throw-up two times. As I stood outside our house at an open bedroom window I remember well that I felt as close to death as I could imagine. I pleaded for my mother to come get me and to help me.
Needless to say, I never ever wanted to ever taste that Fate again. Not only that I was a smart kid. I tried to reason how sucking nasty smoke into your body could have any positive benefits at all. I saw that others did it just to make their friends think they were all bad-ass. I called them Dumb-ass. That was My stint as a Smoker...
I ditto much of what's been said, mainly that it's a decision you must make yourself that you ARE STOPPING NOW and not starting ever again. I did it sometime around 1979 like the others cold turkey except that when I wanted to reach for a cigarette I would instead reach for a toothpick (which I carried all the time). That seemed to satisfy my need to be doing something after meals and those times i was accustomed to lightening up. Goiod luck with your efforts, just hand in there and pray for God to help you with it. Believe it or not He is interested in everything.