NO, but! I always fish 100 or 300 bandits depending on the depth just off the rip-rap. or spinnerbaits. I determine that by how much green slime crap I pick up on my lures. After reading the report about the Smallies caught yesterday morning, I realize I need to throw more soft plastics. The tube I described in the post I responded to about the SM, I could see the action of the tube in the clear water and it was DYNOMITE!!
My main concern fishing soft plastics in heavy current is boat speed. I have a hard time going back against the current to get unhung because my TM has only 42 lbs thrust. Thats what I like about SB's and small cranks. I can keep them in front of (downstream) of the boat.
As I said in my response to fishing strengths & weaknesses, My biggest weakness is not trying new techniques when I know I can have a good time doing the same old, same old!
Maybe, if the current is 20,000CFS or less, soft baits would be more appropriate. I'm off the next 2 weeks, so I resolve to give it a good try.