Spanked by Fat Albert...NOT! 6-5-2006

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Well-known member
May 5, 2006
FA & I started from Soddy Creek at about 6:00. He caught a smallie about 15"(1 lb 13 oz) in a small slough off Soddy Creek. At that point, I discovered my camera batteries were dead. We caught maybe 15 bass total on this windy day. I lost one about 3 lb (he said less) on a crankbait on a wind driven point. Most of our fish came on worms in 10-15 feet of water. We both caught about the same # of fish. I tried a senko for the first time today. On my first cast with it early this morning, I caught a 15" bass.

I probably could have caught many more fish than FA except that I was determined to catch something on a chatterbait, since I have read so much discussion about this lure. I was really impressed by the vibration generated by this lure. However, this turned out to not be a SB day. Anyway, I stopped at Shady Grove and bought some new batteries for my camera so you folks could look at Fat Albert digging a big ole' worm hook out of a little ole' slick. Poor baby!! We quit about 3:00
I've seen better looking legs on a table. Not too bad a fishing day for the windy conditions.emoUpsmile emoGeezer
Dang, I told him to get my good side... his camera makes me look fat.emoAngel emoHoppingmad

we did have a good time dispite the wind... it is always nice to fish with a good friendemoGeezer
You lucky souls! I have to sit in the office all day while you get to enjoy a beautiful day. Good report!
MadBomber - 6/6/2006 9:53 AM

Hey Drum King! Fat Albert's legs look the way they look because of a table. Kitchen, that is!

To quote an old trucker - "I heard that!"
Good report Madbomber. Just curious tho. Whats the paint roller handle for? I can't guess unless its for a lure retriever. emoPoke Can't even go fishing without thinking of work.emoLaugh
That's my lure retriever. I didn't even bother to modify the end where the roller goes. It works great and is a lot cheaper than the BPS model.

Oh, BTW, do you notice that stickup right behind the boat? We caught 3 bass there.
Another good day of fishing i hope theres alot more of those for all of us. I do have a question about hat senko does it come in a package of one or several.
I've been wanting to get one. If it works for Roland it will work for me heck even if it didn't i'd still get one they look pretty cool.
I think there are 6 or 8 in a pack. I was using the 5 inch version. I got them at Dicks on Gunbarrel. There are a ton of knockoffs around that are quite a bit cheaper. The real ones are Gary Yamamoto. I think this genre goes back to the old sluggo.