Spark Plugs - Where?

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Well-known member
Aug 6, 2006
Chattanooga, TN
<font size="2">Where is the best place to buy new spark plugs. NKG's for a Merc. I am looking for ideas on where I may get the best price. I am doing the install myself. - Thanks</font>
Auto Zone has them but the ones for my old 115hp were $8.00....EACH. Just took the old plug in and they matched it.
Just bought a set at O'Reilly's. Fairly cheap. Went to Auto Zone first...they were out.
fishinvol - 8/2/2010 1:34 PM I know o'rilies (sp?) carries NGk.

That is where I get most of mine. If they don't have they can have the next day or some cases, later that day.</p>
I tried Advance and Auto Shack (Zone) Advance said bring one in and they will match it up with something. I had all the numbers but the young lady said she must see the plug. Nah, I want the real plugs for my boat. Not just something that will fit the hole. I'll try O'Rileys and NAPA. I hate to have to go to a, or any dealer for spark plugs. All the other stuff and accessories, Yes
Be wary of any "cross matched" plugs. I compared two from Auto Zone and Advance. I could see the difference in the original and just walked away from them. Went to NAPA and they not only had them in stock, but the container read "Marine spark plug." The "old heads" at NAPA are hard to beat. Not some inexperienced kid with no knowledge.
Oreilly in Tiftonia/Lookout Valley stocks Marine plugs and other marine parts. I just baught a set of six for $13. Talk to Terry Hall about all marine parts there.
Bass Addict - 8/6/2010 12:26 PM Oreilly in Tiftonia/Lookout Valley stocks Marine plugs and other marine parts. I just baught a set of six for $13. Talk to Terry Hall about all marine parts there.

That may be the ticket!!! did not list my merc engine.</p>
What year is your engine?? Most of the late model have a emission sticker on the powerhead and will tell you the correct plug. This will ensure that you don't have a poorly crossed referenced plug already. Just my .02
I buy NGK for my Merc from O'Reilly auto parts on 58 for $1.99 ea. Island Cove
wants $5.79 ea. Guess where I ain't buying them.


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