This is to me the best time to learn how to use one. The no-brainer way right now to use one is find the gulls working deep water and go to the up wind side of the gulls. Get you either a cc casting spoon or a silver buddy and drop it straight down. With this method there is no need to cast. Now let the wind, breeze or current move you through the area the gulls were working. In short those gulls follow big schools of shad. The birds will be on top and the fish under them. There is always fish working under them for an easy meal. It is best to jerk the spoon very quickly up about four foot and then let it fall free back down. Try to stay in contact with the spoon but on a loose line. Look for a twitch or jump of the line and set the hook. Often you will not even know it but when the bait hits the bottom jerk it hard back up again and let it fall back. With this method when you do not know you had a hit the jerk back up will set the hook. This time of year a 100+ fish is not uncommon but expect most of them to be yellows and drum. Crappie, cats and bass will be mixed in. Good luckemoThumbsup Jmax