Well-known member
We are having our 2nd Sportsmans Fish Fry. I would like for some of you to get on board and help us make this another great event. We had 12 decisions for Christ last year. If you would like to invite or help promote this event at your church please contact me.This is a Great way to have a part in a ministery for the Lord. Clay Dyer is going to be our guest speaker. Check Him out on youtube www.youtube.com/watch?v=glrU4JKV1SI He has other videos on there also. We are also are going to have good food, fun, and fellowship. We were blessed with LOTS of prizes last year and we hope we will have lots this year also. We also are getting fish donations (crappie) if you want to contribute in that way. Thank you in advance for all your help and support. Tickets are $10.