Spotted Bass Creel Increases - Thanks to MadBomber

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Apr 29, 2005
As MadBomber predicted, and has worked so hard to bring about, the TWRC voted today to increase the creel limit on spotted bass in Chickamauga Tailwaters. See:

MadBomber was named as the man behind the effort and Wildlife Commissioner Gary Kimsey said, "his efforts will have ramifications across the state, well beyond the Chickamauga Tailwaters where he fishes most."

It is true that with hard work, commitment and dedication to a cause, one man can make a difference. MadBomber did. emoThanks

New reg takes effect March 1, 2008.

Side note... if you look at the TN Wildlife website quickly, you'll see they initially got it wrong. They wrote that change was for "the upper end of Chickamauga Reservoir." The writer didn't know the difference between headwaters and tailwaters. TWRA is efforting a correction right now.
Thanks Richard,
and a <font size="7">HUGE </font>thanks to our very own Madbomber! You should be commended for working so hard for your beliefs and for the conservation of our fishery.
  You have my envy.
<font color="#ff0033">See!!!!  Through his hard work and several trips before the commision it has paid off.........<u>YOU DONE GOOD MY FRIEND</u>....Sure wished we could have gone up there for the meeting....somebody is goin to get to eat lots of spaaaaaaats......FA
Great article as always Richard, thanks for sharing. emoThumbsup And as for you Madbomber emoWorthy emoWorthy emoWorthy you, ARE the man.
Let this be a lesson emoTeacher to all of us, one man's voice can be heard if he speaks it loud enough. emoApplause emoApplause way to go MBemoToast
congrads on a job well done.
Way to go, MB! What will/is the size limit for spots between those two locations?
Way to go MB! I'll really enjoy eating a few more of those buggers and I think if everyone would keep a limit we'd see a difference pretty soon. I do have one question. Doesn't it make sense to keep the smaller fish, and toss the really nice 1.5 to 2 lb and up, fish back? I've caught a few big spots down there since MrWiskers introduced me to the river and I really hate to keep them since they are the larger size. I try to keep the smaller ones also because I think they taste better. Any input?
Fishin Fool - 10/25/2007 8:46 PM

Way to go MB! I'll really enjoy eating a few more of those buggers and I think if everyone would keep a limit we'd see a difference pretty soon. I do have one question. Doesn't it make sense to keep the smaller fish, and toss the really nice 1.5 to 2 lb and up, fish back? I've caught a few big spots down there since MrWiskers introduced me to the river and I really hate to keep them since they are the larger size. I try to keep the smaller ones also because I think they taste better. Any input?

Good point. When we keep fish we always let the larger fish go. Anything over say 14" goes back. Kind of a reverse LM size limit.
I am all for keeping the 8-10" size spots and putting back the larger ones.  I believe the little spots are the major culprit in eating bass fry.
nwgabassmaster - 10/25/2007 8:21 PM Way to go, MB! What will/is the size limit for spots between those two locations?

John, there has never been a size limit on spots anywhere in Tennessee.  The problem in our region was that spots were included in the 5 bass per day creel limit.  Beginning March 1st, 2008, From the Dam downstream to the mouth of South Chickamauga Creek, the creel limit for spots will stand alone at 15 per day per angler.  LM & SM will continue to be 5 per day, only one of which may be a Smallmouth that is at least 18" long.  Largemouth will still have a minimum length of 15" to be legal to keep.  </p>

This is just a beginning.  I will encourage TWRA to do electrofishing studies further downstream in hopes of having the limit changed all the way to Suck Creek.</p>
Good work MB, hoping that FA, you, and myself can pull out 45 of the smaller buggers on the 12th.  I can't wait, and my family will love the fried fish, Brandon-Style.
Knowing how many fish the likes of you and Wiskars, and Whisler, and the rest of the "Dam crew" haul out of those waters, I bet when they do electrofishing they pull TONS of spaats into the boat! One heck of a way to fill a cooler for a fish fry I bet!
jon the fisherman - 10/25/2007 8:57 PM emoWorthy Thank you MB, I believe you have opened their eyes. I would not doubt if the limits change all over the state in the next few years.

I hope the new "mantra" for bass fishermen becomes "selective harvest" instead of "catch & release". </p>

Oh, BTW, guess who's #7.</p>
MadBomber - 10/25/2007 9:04 PM

This is just a beginning.  I will encourage TWRA to do electrofishing studies further downstream in hopes of having the limit changed all the way to Suck Creek.</p>

Amen. Most of the spots I catch are downstream of the Clubhouse. Moccasun bend is infested with the critters.
The question now is who is going to police those outside that area that want to catch fish and say they came from that one stretch?

The new regulations do not go into effect until March 2008?

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