Stabil vs Seafoam

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Well-known member
Oct 24, 2006
Rock Spring, GA
Which one is better? Or is there something else out there that is really good? I've been using Stabil, but I can't think of any reason other than the squeze and pour bottle. Any thoughts?
I always think of stabil as just a fuel stabilizer and not as a injector/ carb cleaner even though it is suppose to. I have torn down a few engines that people have used sea foam in and it is amazing at the differnce it makes on the ring lands. Since then I use stabil to "stabilize" the fuel and sea foam to clean. But of course these are just my opinions. The only bad thing is the price of sea foam.
James, Due to the price of Seafoam, I started using regular carb/injector cleaner or fuel system treatmentfor my Merc. Is this sufficient? Do you have experience with how well those products work compared to Seafoam?</p>

Thanks, Bob</p>
Shankopotamus - 11/15/2009 8:30 AM

James, Due to the price of Seafoam, I started using regular carb/injector cleaner or fuel system treatmentfor my Merc. Is this sufficient? Do you have experience with how well those products work compared to Seafoam?</p>

Thanks, Bob</p>


Berryman Chemtool is also a good product. Like $3 a can at wal-mart. It works wonders on carbs and injectors. I have seen it smooth out a the idle even more on a Goldwing after the carbs were just built that my good friend owned. I have never had a carboned up engine to test to see the results of carbon removal. IF I can find a good candidate that has high to mediumleakage that may be reversable, it may be a experiment. Been wanting to do it for a while now.</p>



James I have never used either product before but will if it really is needed. Can you tell me how often you should use each one and do you really think it should be used. I fish every week and I never store my boat. It is on the water at least once a week sometimes more. Please let me know - Thanks, David
Derwin, I try to put a can of seafoam in my tank every fillup but sometimes I slip to every other tank. Seafoam is awesome.

Before all you guys go bargain shopping for something cheaper than seafoam read the labels. DO NOT get something that has methanol in it. Not good...
I have people who will put in the 3 oz per gallon one tank and go 2 or 3 tanks at 1 oz per gallon then back to 3 and so on. Works well.
Ok Im sold on the Seafoam but is that all that is needed? Where do you buy it ? No other cleaners ?
I have used Berrymans on everything especially boat motors I pick up that run rough it is a great product instead of seafoam fuel additive in my boat cars trucks and use it in my diesel pickup and used to use it in my semi's
beetlespin - 11/15/2009 12:10 PM Before all you guys go bargain shopping for something cheaper than seafoam read the labels. DO NOT get something that has methanol in it. Not good...

I looked at the bottle of gas treatment I use and it says "contains no alcohol". It does contain "petroleum middle distillates"- half to wonder what "middle" means!</p>

Beetle, go read the Seafoam can. I used it a while back and if my memory serves me correctly, it says it conatins methanol. Please look at that and confirm or correct me. Thanks, Bob</p>
I will try it later when I get my engine back together and some carbon built up. The chemtool is a very good at cleaning injectors.