stator or power pack ???

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Well-known member
Jul 30, 2009
Graysville Tn
<span class="posttext">I have a 1999 Johnson 225 ho j225pleen . Today while idling through a no wake zone the engine died and would not start back , engine turns over fine but not even trying to fire at all. the tach stopped working the last time I had the boat out . Could it be the power pack or stator or both where should I start to figure this problem out
The signal for the tach. comes from the reg/rectifier and does not have anything to do with the ignition spark. you probably have two problems and they may be related. if you have an ohmmeter I can give you some specs. to check the stator. and timer base.
I have a ohmmeter, the engine started having problems a while back . on take off it would lose power right when the boat got on plane then it would be like a power band kick in and it would be fine , it did not do this all the time maybe two times a week , up till a couple of weeks ago then it started doing it at about 55 mph it would drop down to around 45 for about a 1/4 mile then it would pick up and go on and run fine . I thought it was a fuel problem so I tried pushing the primer but it only seemed to make it worst .