stern lifting prop

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Well-known member
Jun 6, 2016
I have a 17ft triton vt17 aluminum boat. It has a 50hp mercury 2 stroke on it. When I purchased the boat it had a 3 blade 12 pitch prop. It would do 30 mph with 2 people and gear at 6k rpm. Max rated rpm is 5500. I raised the motor to the top hole and went to a 14 pitch prop. I run about 37mph now at 5300. I cannot get the motor trimmed up enough to ventilate the prop before it porpoises badly. I believe the stern is so heavy on this boat because there is no weight in front of the boat. Seems to ride deeper than it should on plane. I have heard of bow lift,stearn lift and standard props. I believe I am in need of a sternlifting prop or possibly a jack plate I believe. Is there anything else I am missing here? Not sure of the science behind these props or if thats even what I need. Just trying to get the most out of my setup.
I guess I am just wondering how I can tell for sure what I need without guessing.
Ur running unit too high, prop is diggng inlieu of pushing...Lower engine, let the pro push boat out of position, this will put it on plane, start trimming until rpms level ut with speed & is not blowing out. Ur boat should run more level than nose up.......prop & rpm sounds good, just have t find optium. Why did u raise motor to begin with???????????/Also try loading equiptment forward of center for balance............... emoGeezer emoUSA
I raised the motor up to gain more speed. Which did give me approximately 2mph and 200 rpm. The boat will run good where it is. Its just strange to me that I can trim the motor up and it porpoises and never blows out at all. I tried adding ballast to the front but it didn't help the porpoise issue.
When it porpoises, u are too high, try trimming down until it smooths out...this will be the proper range. there is little trim available to play with. Try to just touch trim up a bit, rpms will increase when prop is starting to be out of unit runs best at 1/4 noy run too high as u will loose water pressure, causes overheat & more problems.....just suggestions.................. emoGeezer emoUSA
Yessir. Thats what I do now. Unfortunately I dont have a water pressure guage or a trim guage. Probably add a water guage soon.

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