stiff steering

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Well-known member
Aug 6, 2006
Chatsworth Ga.
I have a Stratos 282 boat with a 150 Johnson Fast Strike. Lately the steering has gotten so stiff it takes both hands and major strength to turn the wheel. Doesn't matter whether in gear or in neutral, forward or reverse warm or cold. Any suggestions?
I have the same problem on my boat, and i have tried every thing and nothing seems to work.
I went through that many years... tried multiple "quick fixes." As noted above... nothing worked except a complete new set of steering cables.

Once corrosion, rust or whatever gets deep into the cables.. it is there to stay.
rsimms - 12/27/2009 7:40 PM

I went through that many years... tried multiple "quick fixes." As noted above... nothing worked except a complete new set of steering cables.

Once corrosion, rust or whatever gets deep into the cables.. it is there to stay.

He's right! You'll think you have a new boat.
Not only will it be a lot more fun to drive, loading will be much easier and there is a safety issue too!
I agree that it may be time for cables, but I have freed up a lot of systems with removing the cable from the engine and cleaning the tilt tube and steering tube. If it is clean there, then it is in the cables. If when removed from the engine it frees up, then it is at the engine. JMO...
I'll offer one more thing on this take the steering loose and see if the motor swivels easy by hand. The pivot shaft gets water in it and often causes problems. I have been known to heat that tube with a propane torch to get new grease into it. The best thing to clean the steering tube out with is a 12 gage bore brush and mop hooked to a drill. I also use some WD 40 to help clean it. or brake cleaner either one.
I use the same 12 gauge brush!!!! One day I will buy a reamer to do it.

I have had them where all it was was old hard grease or corrosion in the tubes and the cables were free.

A easy test would be loosen the nuts attaching the cables on BOTH tubes (if duel steering) and move the steering wheel a little. If it is easier, it is at the engine. If still hard, it is in the cable. JMO
Thanks for the info. Been away for a few days and will try a couple of these suggestions. It is so stiff I'm afaid it is going to brake a cable or bend something on the motor.
Another thing here buddy! Be extremely careful when driving this boat with stiff cables at high speed.It can be life threating if a cable breaks under power.Go ahead and have them changed out.I have been through this.
How hard is replacing the cables?.. Kits cost anywhere from $150 to $200. Thinking of trying it myself... Also thinking of getting the stainless steel cables. I'm pretty sure that that putting my boat in saltwater caused my problem.
Depends on boat, if on a jack plate, what angle the cables come out to the engine. Some are very easy (for the most part) and some require the engine to be removed to keep from kinking the cable. For the most part they aren't hard, just time consuming. Hope this helps.

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