emoBang Put in at Grasshopper Tuesday....Back end left of ramp solid ice///Out & about on lake, water is 37-38 degree. emoPoke Ice fishing in Eldredge, Sail Creek & other areas...O bites
Harrison Bay on Wednesday, water temp 46..48...gotta remember, we are below power plant so discharge water keeps temps warmer below... emoThumbsup Still found ice around banks, threw lots o diff lures, caught 1 bass on shakey dragging very slow. emoDoh , that was it for several hours. Sun played peek a boo a bit. Was a good day from cabin fever, several other folks out, did see couple folks reeling emoFish in , just 1 here & there.....Air temp on way home showed 67 on vehicle air temp...Luck to those going out, wear the PFD, stay safe............ emoGeezer emoUSA
Harrison Bay on Wednesday, water temp 46..48...gotta remember, we are below power plant so discharge water keeps temps warmer below... emoThumbsup Still found ice around banks, threw lots o diff lures, caught 1 bass on shakey dragging very slow. emoDoh , that was it for several hours. Sun played peek a boo a bit. Was a good day from cabin fever, several other folks out, did see couple folks reeling emoFish in , just 1 here & there.....Air temp on way home showed 67 on vehicle air temp...Luck to those going out, wear the PFD, stay safe............ emoGeezer emoUSA