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Snuff, I believe Kevin had a 6" on his 201. It was about a 98 model, I believe. I thought it ran pretty good. Might get on the BBC Stratos board and ask the C&O guys about the new ones.
Actually the boat it is going on is 296 a few years old. I let one of the guys in our club take the 10" rapid jack I took off my Bullet last week, to try it and see if it would work Ok . I checked on the BBC and someone posted that it would revoke the lifetime warranty on the hull on the 201. I`d guess it would be the same on the 296. I told him at our TX saturday what I found out...he didn`t say whether he was gonna try it or not. My guess would be that it would work pretty good on the 296.
You can get too much set back and effect the way it drives. Stratos usually have alot of set back built into the hulls. I went from 6 to 8 to 10 to 12. 10 ran best then I went to the 12 and the boat became very hard to drive. My 11 year old daughter could drive my boat to 68 on the pad with standard steering when I had it set up with the 10. I couldn't drive it with the 12 and lost speed because it could not be controlled. just my experiences.
thanks guys.....james I think it would probably be OK but I don`t know how experienced he is I`ll tell him what I found out and see if he still wants to try it.
No problem. It may be good enough he can "learn" how to drive it. Mine was dangerous. Funny how 2" made that dig of a difference though. Later!